Forum Updates at Bux.to - Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Monday, February 16, 2009Lately at Bux.to the mods Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
(aka : AMC & SPIDERWOMAN) are closing threads created by members due to negative comments about bux.to. God forbid if you express your feelings about bux.to on this forum. After all members have been waiting over a year for payouts. What did you expect?
So I feel I have no option but to post what these mods are doing on this forum.
From Bux.to paying member: you and I are one. we both invested, yet we are here looking like sitting ducks on a murky pond. waiting to be slaughtered.
Reply from SPIDERWOMAN (Administrator)This is really offending other members. Got it reported 4 times.
The message changed from saying in a very decent way that you thought people should beware to blatant accusations and putting other kind of message in. The bandwidth paid by bux.to is not your personal plattform to accuse bux.to of things they are not.
Thread closed. To open another one or complain about this one being closed will end up in banning you from the forum with NO RETURN.
I hate to tell her this, but it was bux.to members who paid for the bandwidth not bux.to. Bux.to members should have every right to use the forum to express them selves as the above member did.
SPIDERWOMAN, sometimes comes off as a drama queen. To say that she has received complaints about this member's post is totally ridiculous if not fabricated.
Bux.to forum members can read this thread here:
For banned and non members view screen shot image:

Also, a notice was posted about members posting and that all negative comments will be deleted:
From AMC (MOD) It is appreciated by the members posting their success stories if their threads would not be hijacked by members to post unrelated comments.
It is a little effort to show the common decency to respect the thread starters. They have nothing to do with any of your payments or other problems.
The forum Feedback - Tell us how you feel is there for you, to tell how you feel about no matter what.
Please use it. Thank you.
Starting today we will delete all complaints and other unrelated posts in threads on this forum.
SPIDERWOMAN (Administrator) Reply Thanks for this post... I support this 100%.
No surprise there. And of course paying members can not reply or have a say on this. For those who don't know the Suggestion and Feedback section is not viewable to the public. Unlike some areas of the forum. Like the Success Stories.
A few days ago a member posted a success story stating he/she was paid. However the dates did not match up. So members questioned this and of course bux.to and its staff were not pleased with the questions. Another tactic to silence members. Also, shortly after the bux.to main web site on the front page displayed this post. Just shows how desperate they are to show that the are actually paying its members. When in fact they know they are not. As of today the latest proof of payout was last updated on January 26, 2009. Of course these could easily be fabricated as well.
Bux.to Forum Members can view this thread here:
Non and banned members can view screen shots:

- Anonymous said...
these crooks are scandalous and should be shot!
money invested here is a waste of time and effort. Charles Ponzi may be forgotten when BUX.TO collapses. - February 18, 2009 at 1:28 AM
- Anonymous said...
You can't miss the fact that they close all posts that tell the truth about bux.to (SCAM-PONZI!!). Members are left in the dark. If they complain the usually outcome is getting banned. Now the admin/mod are going into members posts and editing them to reflect what they themselves want you to read. 99% of members are waiting over a year to get paid. Whatever Spiderwoman says is cooking in the bux.to kitchen smells like rotting rats.
- February 26, 2009 at 10:11 AM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Taking responsibility? You mean like bux.to, and how they have dodge their responsibility... by not paying it's members? Yeah right! I guess putting the blame on thousands of members is a lot easier than blaming the source! A irresponsible web site like bux.to... cons people in thinking they are going to be paid when if fact they know they are not going to be paid.
Yes, I am an adult. WTF does that have to do with it? When I get robbed by a mugger it is still a crime whether or not I am a adult or If I chose to walk down a dark alley--> (Bux.to). Wrong is wrong! No matter how you try to dress it up. - March 7, 2009 at 2:56 AM