Bux.to and Deception
Tuesday, April 21, 2009Oh my lord what do we have here? I saw something yesterday and I can not believe that I didn't see this before! Bux.to you are dirty!
Yesterday a member discovered that a ad on bux.to, Gamer Testing Ground, that was being shown was from a "davesales5". Uh oh! Another David Withers self promoted ad. We have seen this before from another ad awhile back.
What is bothering me is that this Gamer Testing Ground ad has been around for a long time. Ever since I had become a member at bux.to. This whole time it was right in front of my face, and I didn't even know it.So how many of these ads are self promoted? Gee I wonder. So I did a little searching, and I was shocked on how many there are. But before I show you all of these ads, let it be known that this was brought up before, back in June of 2008. I found a old thread in the bux.to forum asking who is this person and why is he spending "40-50k$ daily on advertising". I will show you every post in that thread and show you what bux.to was doing to make this go away. Notice, the post numbers every post is present from that thread, and notice that not a peep or word from staff is seen on this thread.
Oh staff...Where are you? I guess they are speechless? Why lock this thread? And you leave no reason for locking this thread? What are you hiding? Or maybe you already know the answer and want to keep your scam going.
You know, there is another blogger out there that is running a blog called "The Bux.to Lookouts". On this blog they have pictures of staff and they are labeled as "accomplices to a scam". At first I thought it might be kind of harsh to label them as such, and I know that I have in the past said that they are helping bux.to commit a crime...but I never thought they would be willingly doing this and that they were being kept in the dark just like we were. I guess this other blogger has these people all figured out. I mean it is clear now, that they are all in this together and they know how bux.to is making it's money off of these ads. You are probably asking how, let me show you.
Do a google search on "davesales5" and you will stumble on a site called Bastion Bux, it is in Spanish so you need to view the translated version for all you non Spanish speakers out there. Scroll down about a quarter of the page and you will see the source codes for these ads that appear on bux.to. Lets count how many of them are DaveSales5, shall we?
http:// davesales5. Gamertest.hop.clickbank.net
http://www.ivideogametester.com/?hop davesales5
http://www.forexenterprise.com/cb1/?a=ids7pd17pt = [affiliate = DAVESALES5]
http://dubaixxl.com/?go=6e3381645d -> davesales5. playerswm.hop.clickbank.net
http://tinyurl.com/2stczu -> davesales5. affstocks.hop.clickbank.net
http:// davesales5. Jobkill101.hop.clickbank.net /
http://www.applepatchdiet.net/?hop = davesales5
http:// davesales5. Everym.hop.clickbank.net
Looks like a lot of ads on bux.to are their own. And I am not talking about the success stories, I am talking about the apple patch diets, the game testers, and ever other ad that they display. So, it got me thinking. Everyone on bux.to is now is saying bux.to is displaying more ads than ever. Since it has been awhile since I clicked on all ads, I thought I would venture over in Ponzie Scheme land and see what kind of ads they are displaying today. And guess what? Nothing has changed. There are more bux.to self advertising ads then there was a year ago! Sounds great doesn't it? If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Let me show you. Excuse my scribble on the image...
Ok, now that you see that and you have previously seen how "David Withers" is a affiliate of clickbank, I think you should have an idea of how bux.to is keeping this scheme going.
Here is the deal, for premiums, I offer you 30-50 ads a day. I pretend that I have advertisers lined up and ready to pay you for viewing their ads. Then I promise to pay you for clicking and viewing their ads, out of the advertising fee I charge them. Right? Wrong...bux.to ads are from within the company. There is no way they can afford to pay you for 39 ads that are self sponsored and are through their affiliate links. They might make some money off of those "ClickBank" clicks or purchases, that is if the person clicks on them. Which I doubt many users are doing.
This is a hoax and bux.to's way of deceiving you. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Click on your ads, and while that timer is counting down, take your mouse and hover over some of these links. Get to know your "ADVERTISER", the one who is paying you to view their ads. All you will get is Clickbank and bux.to links. Sometimes you will have both on the same page! A clickbank link with a bux.to ad asking you to order the payoneer card. Also you will come across some links to a cbbux.com, guess who owns it? That's right, bux.to. Just go to http://www.robtex.com/dns/cbbux.com.html and click on the "shared" tab and you will see bux.to and other bux.to sites.
OK, so we know that bux.to ads are self advertised. Almost 90% of them. So, how are they going to pay you if there are no sponsors? How can they, when all of their ads are nothing more than their own sites and their own products? Is it starting to make sense now? Why they are so behind in payouts? Ahh...yes. It makes perfect sense. Make an illusion to make people think they have active refs. Offer more ads, to make people think we have more advertisers. And last but not least, pay a chosen few, to make it look like we are paying. If that doesn't work, make fake success stories and announce it on your main page.
Bux.to, the King of Deception.
Deception (also called beguilement, deceit, bluff, or subterfuge) is the act of convincing another to believe information that is not true, or not the whole truth as in certain types of half-truths.
Deception involves concepts like propaganda, distraction and/or concealment. Fiction, while sometimes manipulative, is not a deception unless it is portrayed as partially truthful or as the whole truth.
In many cases it is difficult to distinguish deception from providing unintentionally wrong information. One of the reasons for this is that a person or an entire organization may be self-deceived.
- Anonymous said...
It seems like we need to bombard clickbank seeing that his money seems to be coming from there I doubt they want to be linked to a scam
- April 22, 2009 at 11:28 AM