The Alt3rn4tiv3
Sunday, May 3, 2009Alt3rn4tiv3 is a bux.to Administrator that has been up to no good. At first I was giving this fella some slack for being young and caught in the middle of the bux.to drama. Or so we think. Which is not the case. Recently Alt3rn4tiv3 was caught " breaking and entering" into the ChitShack. By hacking into a user's account and using their screen name to gain access to private areas of the forum. Might I add that the user that he used to hack in was a non bux.to member. And has nothing to do with bux.to, and does not participate in the discussions about bux.to. Of course that is until she found out that her account was used and hacked by Alt3rn4tiv3. And she is not happy with Alt3rn4tiv3 or Bux.to. Not one bit.
All of this happened on April 10th. Of course this wasn't the only time that he has done this, he even went as far as admitting this to the owner and saying that he use to access the private areas of the shack daily. After the confession, measures were taken to prevent this happening again.
We also have reason to believe that he tried to access the shack recently in the past few days, and the owner of the Shack claims that he was unsuccessful this time around.
Yes, this is from a staff member at bux.to. The same staff that claim they don't care what goes on "in your little group". Again, their obsession has taken over. Two staff members have shown that they will do anything and everything to gain access to this private area of the Shack. One moderator (AMC) gained screen shots, or should I say "stolen goods" ...from the private areas of the Shack.
I am sure many of you know that Intenze/Maxx was paid within hours after he contacted djwsales@gmail.com, the owner of bux.to. Maxx, is a known member of the private area of the ChitShack. After he was paid, he wouldn't share info and rarely posted, however he was at the Shack for hours. I am sure for exchange for his payment he gave them screen shots of the private forum. A forum that bux.to and staff say they have no concern about.
Again, we have a person trying to break in to view this private area. This time by cracking passwords. Sound familiar? Alt3rn4tiv3, has turned out to be just as obsessed as AMC. You dont' see members hacking into bux.to forum, do you? No offense Alt3rn4tiv3, but you are not the only hacker out there. While I highly advise against such an act, just remember that what you do onto others can very easily be turned against you.
Speaking of turning, it turns out that the buxbb forum is not hosted by who we thought. While looking at bux.to and researching who hosts bux.to I decided to look at who hosts buxbb. Surprisingly the so called "Friend" that is hosting the bux.to forum is Alt3rn4tiv3. I guess the host did have control over those banner ads after all.

So who else does this alt3rn4tiv3@gmail.com have in common with? I did a google search on that email. Come to find out, alt3rn4tiv3 has a couple scam sites of his own. Don't believe me? Do a google search of alt3rn4tiv3@gmail.com. You will see the name Advercash, a well known scamming site.

And whats this??!! Another PTC! Look at the image above. Clickz.me?? Oh dear... So I look that one up and sure enough, another ptc site to his name.
I wouldn't doubt there are others. At any rate, one too many scams that he is involved in. Bux.to and now this? Then there is the hacking into the Shack.
With that said, I feel that this should be known to the public and use caution when dealing with these people. Do not invest or throw your money away on these sites where these people show up on. When dealing with these PTC sites and their crooked staff. They lie, they steal, and deceive you. They are all apart of this elaborate scheme, and by their actions they have no morals or ethics.
A message to Alt3rn4tiv3, I know you have tried to get my blog shut down. Let it be known that back ups are made after every entry. Just try your little stunt with me, and see how many new ones pop up in their place. All I have to do is press the upload button and a new blog appears with everything intact. Funny, how you and staff claim the Splinterwoman blog was done by a poser... if that was the case, why come after my blog, when you could have easily taken that one down?
Maybe you do have some ethics left in you. Or maybe, screwing with Goolge isn't a great idea either. It does not matter, I know the real answer. So, take heed to my warning, because the law is on my side. LITERALLY.
- Arie said...
I have a nice picture of mr
Alt3rn4tiv3 - I will put it in my report to the authorities. - May 3, 2009 at 8:49 PM
- Anonymous said...
Now I like to see SPIDERWOMAN'S face.
She's doing exactly the same thing what Taketheglobe owner did. Brian used health excuses to scam peoples. First he said, he met with an accident and 3 more time with illness and hospitals and then scammed. (not to mention about what sandraclicks did) Bux.to going down and SPIDERWOMAN is sick??!!. Sounds like a very very strange coincidence for me.. Looks like an old-school excuse.
SPIDER, you can scam millions of members and hide behind in the lights of others, but there is one thing called "karma". Remember, what comes around, goes around.. - May 4, 2009 at 7:36 AM
- Anonymous said...
DAMN! He owns advercash.net too? and i thought the scammer Cronus sold that program to an honorable and honest owner namely "MOUSE". Didnt think our very own Mr. Play-It-Safe Alt3rn4tiv3 is also the MOUSE character who bought advercash last september 2008.
- May 4, 2009 at 10:30 AM