False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. - Plato -
Wednesday, April 29, 2009Lies Lies and Lies. Yes it is sickening. Bux.to and staff will go at any lengths to keep this Ponzie Scheme going. From telling big lies, to telling small lies. So how are we suppose to take their word for it, that they talked to "George"? Perhaps another lie?
And we all know they can't keep their promises. Spiderwoman still hasn't lived up to her promise to PTC Guardian. It has been quite some time now since that promise was made, and she said we could count on her, after all a promise is a promise.
And now I am reminded of a saying about lies, and I quote from Plato:
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.Indeed it does. Lets take the so called name controversy from AMC. I could care less what her initials mean. We joke about it and refer to her as the "All Mighty Cucumber". If not worse. So to many of us it is not big deal. We already know most of the staff names. Natty, Miguelina, Brian, Renilda, Ng Li, David, Victor, Donald and more. How do we know? Maybe because they have plastered it all over the internet? So why would one moderator from bux.to make it such a big deal about what her screen name means? Why lie about something that stupid? She talks about people hiding and being cowards, and what is she doing? And on top of that, she lies about her age. Another stupid lie to make. So how can we trust these people and what they say? Lets look at the petty, yet stupid lies that AMC has made within the past days.
- Plato -
Here is a thread where she changed her screen name from amcamc to AMC. Someone asked her, out of curiosity, what does AMC means. Note, this is before the blogs and videos were made about bux.to

So what are you two saying. That she lied? About something that stupid? So before the blogs and videos she was lying, but now she is telling the truth? After Interpol and this whole thing about members looking into staff's involvement with bux.to, you would have us believe that you are now telling the truth? You know I wasn't born yesterday, and I do have a very good memory.
Since we are talking about being born yesterday, AMC would also have us believe that she is youngster just like the rest of Bux.to's staff and crew. Oh really? Well lets see what she has been saying in the past. Again this is from way before the blogs and videos, and Interpol started investigating them. Here is one from Feb 24, 2008. Before Spider and AMC were best of pals.

Notice the ages in that one? Again here is another one with her talking about her age. Again this is before everything came crashing down on them. From December 29, 2008.

58 years, oh I see. And see what she is saying now.

Spider is in her mid 30's. If that! There is no way you can be younger than spider.

So now she is going to lie about her picture. Anyone keeping up with the lies? First it was her name, her age, and now her picture. So she says what she has in her avatar now is the real deal? The picture she had in her profile before the Interpol, the blogs and videos says different. So if those were fake as she claims, wouldn't it be better to have leave those up?
I had seen her PUBLIC photobucket album as well. And trust me, this is not the same woman in the picture of what she had in her photobucket.
I was going to refrain from showing pictures of staff, because I think it is stupid and pointless, only use they are good for is for Interpol, in my opinon. But to make my point clear and how these people tell lie after lie, I feel it is time.
I will show you her true picture that was being shown in her profile on bux.to forum. You can see it on another blog "The Bux.to Lookouts". I will show you a screen shot from there of her picture.

AMC would have us believe that what was being told from her before was lies, and what she says today is the truth. After they found out that Interpol was investigating them, a lot of strange new things were being said and told.
Spider moves into AMC's Father's house. AMC's name changes from pots and pans to Aisha. A very common name, might I add. And I hear that AMC's father is a "wealthy business man". He would have to be in his late 70's at least, if not more. And I hear that the owner of bux.to invited spider on a sking trip at one time.
Hmm...could this be why AMC has something to hide? WHO KNOWS! With the lies comming out of that place it is hard to keep up with them all. Which brings me back to Plato.
"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil."
Well said...and I will leave you with the final shots. AMC claims that she has ever single shot from the forum. I think it is funny that she thinks she found "The Golden Ticket". However looks what she says. She has these shots, which was ilegally obtained. We have proof that Alt3rn4tiv3 broke into the shack, by hacking in under a ChitShack user. A user that had nothing to do with bux.to.

"All My Scams"...

- Opa and Ga said...
At least you can post your opinion here and not be banned or have the thread closed.
http://youwillbepaidsoon.blogspot.com/ - April 29, 2009 at 7:02 PM
- Anonymous said...
I don't have an extremely good memory. And I even remembered the whole "amcamc to AMC...what does it mean" thread, her profile pic, and how old she said she was (I remembered somewhere in her 50s).
Did they really think we would just forget about all that?
A quote from YourBuxCard.com before the Payment List thread was locked. - April 30, 2009 at 4:13 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Yes, that "Marketing Staff" is one of many lies that bux.to has cooked up in the "bux.to kitchen".
Marketing Staff shouldn't have thread closing powers, nor should they be attacking members when they state the truth about not getting paid.
They actually think that people are fooled by this? Sorry but that dog wont hunt. Nice try.
You can see yourbuxcard talking to another member who is unhappy about not getting paid, and what do they say to that member? They talk about cheaters! Who's fault is it that bux.to has cheaters?
Bux.to take responsibility for once. Just once. Stop blaming everyone for your faults. If you would have implemented the script back in April you wouldn't have this problem. But no! Instead you take it out on other members and basically call them cheaters.
Now does that sound like a great place to spend your money, or what. - April 30, 2009 at 4:24 PM