Do as I say, and not as I do...
Sunday, March 1, 2009After receiving the info on Spiderwoman, I decided to do a little more in depth research of my own. Just to see if I can find anymore info on this so called Splinterwoman. I found some pages with a person going by the name of Splinterwoman, but nothing that was conclusive as the blogs were. The foul language was still there, but irrelevant to what I was looking for.
I did come across a interesting page. A web page called Azerty Money Maker (site taken down). It is a blog about different PTC sites, a obvious attempt to try to get referrals sign ups. What got my attention is when I moved my mouse over the bux.to banner the referral name came up as amcamc - aka AMC - Bux.to Forum ModOK, so what?
Then when I scrolled to the very top of the page the very first banner was TakeTheGlobe.
Still saying "so what!" ?
For those who don't know TakeTheGlobe is ran by bux.to member "TakingNames". This person did a investigation on bux.to's ownership and released his findings on the internet. From his investigation he found out a convicted scammer/fraud is tied with bux.to. Going by the name of David John Withers .
Soon after the information was released, Spiderwoman and other bux.to staff claimed TakingNames was using this info to promote TakeTheGlobe. Maybe so, or maybe not.
My point is, if you accuse someone of lie then why in the world is a mod promoting their web site? AMC was clearly one of the mods who would speak out against talking about the topic and would close threads if you mentioned it. Bux.to's cleaning lady, as she would say.
So, is this a "Do as I say, and not as I do" moment?
Don't get me wrong, do what you like. People sign up to more than one site all the time. Although, I find it absurd for a moderator to label members as science fiction writers for discussing the David Withers scandal. Then you turn around and sign yourself up on the TakeTheGlobe web site?
For those of you who still saying "so what!"... then why was the Azerty Money Making blog taken down in such a short time after I discovered this? Hmm...? From what I am finding out, I am not impressed. The pieces are starting to come together, it all explains why bux.to is the way they are.
Administrators and Moderators tend to think they are smarter than their members, when if fact they are just a PTC moderator who is on a head trip and need to be taken down a notch.
For crying out loud, you are apart of a company that has scammed people out of their money, and you continue to stand by it? If the tables were turned and it was me in your position there would be no way in hell that I would be able to sleep at night, knowing that I am helping a company scam innocent people. You can point at the TOS all you want, but when you read between the lines it still says "We don't have to pay you." And that my friend is a dishonest and unethical way to run a business.
And I will leave it on that note, with some screen shots. Since I had a feeling the site would be taken down if this info got out, I made screen shots.
Notice how take the globe is the first banner on top. Click on image to enlarge:
- PTCsites said...
you might want to look at this
http://buxbb.com/index.php?showforum=12 - March 2, 2009 at 3:02 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Thank you see my new post :O)
- March 2, 2009 at 7:03 PM
- Anonymous said...
Thanks for this truthful information. BUX.TO REALLY SUCKS AND THEY DESERVE TO BE PUT IN JAIL!
- March 4, 2009 at 8:39 AM
- Anonymous said...
They all deserve to be sent to prison along with all the moderators and administrators who deny and cover what is happening, they all know, especially Spiderwoman who wrote today that she does not tell the owner anything anymore because they have indifference's between them.
They think that the members believe all the lies they have been told to write for a long time about the owner, blah, blah, blah, she is the only one who believes her own lies. Now she says that the disgusting blog is not hers hahahaha! I know her for a long time and her Spanish grammar is easy to recognize and that food part, kids and husband, I remember her other blogs with the same information as that one, and also I remember when she talks about her last trip to her country and just the exact reasons on why she don't want to go back are in that nasty blog and it was her posting in other forum all about it, she hates her own country and people because she is Danish Portuguese, (blood) she also wrote in that blog that she doesn't know what her family in her country is going to do when her mother dies that they must burn her because she is not going back to her country not even to see her mother, my goodness talking like that about her own mother just comes from a person full of hate, so please girl for God sakes is more disgusting your lies than the blog.
Without a doubt, is you. PATHETIC SICK!
that story you invent about other person making those blogs to damage your "reputation" is just another BIG LIE.
For all members don't believe that you can't sue them, YES YOU CAN, a good criminal lawyer would be interested in this case, specially UNITED STATES LAWYERS, I already contact one and he told me bring them on, they can be taken to court to show proof of payments and other stuff, there is a list of members already for that case in a website. - March 6, 2009 at 1:22 AM
- Anonymous said...
Spiderwoman a.k.a. Splinterwoman is a racist. She hates her blackness and embraces what traces of whiteness she embodies.That is why her Spiderwoman avatar shows her with blonde hair. Hey, Spiderwoman, hello you are black and you look black. You will blend into any African country and stand out like a sore thumb in any Aryan one.
You call your children monkeys. That is not nice. - March 7, 2009 at 2:16 PM