SpiderWoman aka SplinterWoman?
Friday, February 27, 2009Posted by
Bux.to Sux!!
It has recently been brought to my attention that Bux.to's Administrator SpiderWoman has another nickname that she uses online. My anonymous source, which I will not reveal, sent me a link to a blog of a person who goes by the name of SplinterWoman. At first I laughed and thought it was just another bux.to member trying to be funny. Until I viewed SplinterWoman's blog:
Warning foul language is used on these blogs
Could this be bux.to SpiderWoman? I will let you decide
You say coincidence? Are members trying too hard to make the connection? Lets look at this probability from what we know.
- The pictures are alike - The hands to the face, shape of the faces, and the eyes...ect
- Both claiming to be from Dominica Republic
- Both claim they live in Germany
- Both like to be mods on forums
- Both have the name Woman as part of their nickname (SpiderWoman - SplinterWoman)
- Both are married and have kids
- The list goes on and on...
The blogs are in Spanish, so those of you who don't speak Spanish will have to use a online translator. I recommend google. NOTE: Google, Yahoo, and other translators sometimes makes mistakes in their translations. So the translation will not be correct word for word, but you will get an idea of what is being said.
I am sure the blog will be taken down shortly, if in fact it is Spiderwoman on these blogs. Only time will tell. Here are the links that were given to me:
Just in case the blog gets taken down I have added screen shots at the bottom of this post of the two blogs translated in Englsh. Once again, the translation will not be correct word for word, but you will get an idea of what is being said.
You might ask, why do I care, and who cares if it is her. Well, I will tell you why. Some members tend to think Spiderwoman is in fact the owner of bux.to. I for one have a hard time believing this. However, if this is the type of person you would have running your forums, what does that say about the true owner - if there is one!
Here are the screen captures of the translated pages...in order. Just click on Picture OR right click and click on "Open link in new tab" to enlarge.
Hint: If you right click on the picture and select "Open Link In New Tab" you will not loose your place as your read from one screen shot to another.
Shots from http://splinterwoman.blogspot.com/

Shots from http://prebicho.blogspot.com/

Shots from http://prebicho.blogspot.com/ (SplinterWoman's Comments and Replies)

- Anonymous said...
what you have in your blog is totally true... i have seen those pictures posted by her in one of the forums... bad ass... haha
- December 22, 2009 at 4:35 PM
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