Personal Attacks vs Scamming People
Monday, March 2, 2009Posted by
Bux.to Sux!!
I am happy to announce that the blogs and videos have arrived at bux.to's door step. A response was released on the forum by bux.to's Administrator alt3rn4tiv3. You can view the thread here
Viewable to all until they move it. I am sure it will be locked in due time. Only time will tell.
Here is my break down of the "Personal Attacks" thread.
It has come to my attention that there are personal attacks being carried out on various blogs and videos specifically on Nattymoo, AMC and SPIDERWOMAN.
If you think that by doing this, you're anything more than a cyberbully / troll, that you're working towards a greater objective, please think again
alt3rn4tiv3, the objective has already been captured. Your endeavors alone confirm this. The over all objective was to warn people and expose bux.to. That embodies, the company, staff and any other actions bux.to takes against or for its members. Whether it is by not paying its members, banning forum members, censoring members, and so forth.
Bux.to is paying you late, or maybe you've convinced yourself that Bux.to is never going to pay you ever. But that's Bux.to, not any one of the three ladies.I find it hard to believe that you are convinced that this is all about one person. When in fact we are talking about thousands of members who have lost a lot of money through bux.to. If not more.
These three ladies that you have declared as victims of personal attacks ... are part of the problem if not behind the bux.to scheme. Their influence is what keeps the bux.to machine going. They are the mouth piece of Bux.to . They continue to support and defend bux.to to its inevitable grave. Other forum mods have not shown as much passion as these three have. They continue to show their avid support towards bux.to and reassure any member that thinks other wise.
What I find bothersome is that bux.to would be using staff and mods as their pawns. While they sit and do nothing and benefit from it.
Ask yourselves this, if your company was under attack and if you truly believe in your heart that you was doing the right thing. Would you have stepped up to the plate by now? Would you let your staff take the heat for you? Or would you coward and hide behind your staff while they defend your company.
Or perhaps Debbie or George does not exists. John, Jane..or whomever these fictional characters that bux.to may create. Maybe the owners have already been heard and seen. We just don't recognize them. After all they are the only ones that are speaking and stepping up. I know! Science Fiction and theories. All you have to do is read between the lines and you will see it.
Either the owners are cowards and likes hiding behind their staff, or it is one of you. Plain and simple.
They did not conduct any form of personal attack against any of the members (if they have and they went unchecked, please let me know). They did not make fun of any members' usernames and they certainly did not contribute to your non-payment to date (i.e. they have not scammed you). All they have done (with countless evidences in the form of emails sent) is to try to get every one of you paid and solving your issues. Those orders that fall through the cracks, those payments that are more overdue than the rest (harhar.. sad but true..), the lists are all consolidated by SPIDERWOMAN and Nattymoo and followed up by them as well.Their attacks on members and censoring members is enough. They say it isn't personal when if fact they have made it so. I have been watching these 3 "ladies" for quite some time. I can not believe the power trip they are on. They will close down threads for stating the obvious and many countless other postings. Here is just one example
" you and I are one we both invested, yet we are here looking like ducks on a murky pond waiting to be slaughtered"
I believe this person was banned for stating this. An obvious observation and your beloved mods and staff abuse their powers because it doesn't sit well or agree with them. Why I can not say. Maybe my assumptions are correct. They are, or have a part in the ownership. They take it as if it was a personal attack on them. When this was stating the obvious.
You may say to take it out on bux.to and not the mods. I say the mods and staff need to take it out on the owners and not on its members. Mods close threads and make smart alec remarks toward members without them being able to respond or defend themselves. Abusive and out right dirty. One will come behind and close the thread and will say something about the member's post. Then another mod will come right behind the other Mod and put her two cents in. It is conniving and disrespectful towards others.
Then on top of that they tell the forum members to take it somewhere else, or open your own site. Well, that's exactly what I did. You asked for it.
Also, these so called payments that have fallen through the cracks, are starting to become a habit day by day. I would say huge cracks and not small. Too many have gone unpaid for anyone to fall for this excuse. It doesn't take a year to investigate a payment. All you have to do is look at forum member imperator2030 and see this.
If you are unsatisfied with them, the least you could do is to express it maturely, not create defamation videos and write scandalous personal attacks at them. It's not just immature - it's rude and inhumane and I certainly do not condone such actions.Surely your not talking about bux.to forum and PMs. Members have tried that. It does not work. Thread Closed ... Question Answered
Now you see how it feels when the person you are trying to have a conversation with tries to have the last word and throws threats towards you if you try asking the same question and deems it as re posting, spam, or chatter. Since you brought up my maturity, I think bux.to needs to be mature enough and take responsibility for what they have done. And pay their members. Stop pointing fingers at other companies (e.g. Alertpay, The Planet, Paypal...and so on).
These videos are there as tool and to expose bux.to for what it is. A scam! No real people were used in those videos and with no real names. So spare me the "making fun of screennames" bit.
Please remove all the offensive material in 2 days. Failure to do so will result in my own personal investigation into it.
Offenders will have their payments denied and accounts suspended.
Well I am glad to see you have the authority and man power to do this. Too bad Bux.to can't do this when it comes to paying people.
Do you actually think I am worried about my account or my payment? I have given up on my payment months ago! Sorry, I don't care about my payout or my account. It has been worthless from day one. This little blackmail scheme wont work on me.
I say this again - if you write / make videos / photos about Bux.to's late payments, I cannot fault you. But when you stoop to a level of making personal attacks at the staff who have no control over the payments, you have overstepped the boundaries.
If anyone thinks that I am wrong in saying so and doing so, please let me know.
Once again, the staff that were involved have made comments about payments that makes me question their involvement and motives. Spiderwoman claimed, and I quote
"If I was at the payment area or owner, I would pay those who never complained at first, and would pay all balance, not the request. To those who have complain, I'd have a nice plan for you."
So what do you expect us to believe? Antagonizing members about their payments, that is not cool. Many of these members have invested thousands of dollars into this company. You do not play games when it comes to people and their money.
Then on top of that you threaten to void my payment? Strange how when a fire is lit, everyone all the sudden goes into action. Nevertheless, I do not care about my payment, I know it is long gone.
I will say this. Bux.to and their staff went too far. And now I am pushing back. I'd be dam, if I will sit back and watch them lure in new members to toy with and play games with.
I will leave it at that. You do what you think you can do. And I will do what I will. Below are screen shots of what I have posted from above. A picture speaks a thousand words as we have now come to find out.

- Anonymous said...
So true, I totally agree. Alternative also many months ago overode into the forum and said i would be paid. In the forum. 5 months later where is my money?
See my Blog
http://bux-to-hallofshame.blogspot.com/ - March 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM
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