Bux.to's New Forum Rules Released from Bux.to's Staff Room!
Sunday, May 24, 2009Straight from the horse's mouth. At least that is what my anonymous reader says. Just recently I received a anonymous tip from a person who says they have info from within the bux.to staff room. Could it be? Could this be from one of bux.to's own staff? This is not the first time bux.to has had a staff member who has leaked some info. If this is the case, then we are grateful for the info that you are sharing with us. If not, thank you to the "anonymous" tipper.
It seems like the owner of bux.to has laid out some new ground rules. Some of what was said is no surprise, since we already seen some of these things happening in the forum. Here is the info that the anonymous reader has left on my blog.
Hi I have some info straight from the bux.to staff room. Use it however you like.
Instructions for Moderators
* Monitor the forum closely.
* Always polite, but strict in answering posts.
* Every post is dealt with a positive response.
* After conclusive reply threads get closed.
Try where you can to promote bux.to and purchase packs. Success stories are the ideal spot for this but other forums and ticket service give occasion too.
Reading the examples, you will notice that I'm careful in promoting and try to give useful advice targeted at the member's need and capability. Shield them for overspending their current means. We don't want people to go in debt for purchasing at bux.to; acting otherwise is not only unethical and rude it is also harming the honesty of bux.to business.
Postings damaging bux.to lead to warning and 24 hour suspension of member.
* If members persist, they get a warning + 1 month suspension.
* If after that they persist: Banned.
* No personal chit-chat.
* No revealing of personal/private details. No personal picture in avatar or profile.
Adapted and modified Forum Rules will be published shortly. Forum set up will be slightly changed and so will forum signup possibilities. Payments are going out daily, new requests and long-waiting mixed, to avoid building up of longer queue. We want bux.to to be at the top again. We count on all of you to work with us towards this common goal. All you do is much appreciated.
Wow, so the owner is using the forum as a market place instead of a place where members can get help and feedback from other members. Sell Sell Sell, and screw the members. Ban them if they ask questions about bux.to and tell how they are getting scammed by bux.to.
And shield them from overspending? Oh my, that is laughable if not a slap to the face. You force these membership packages down our throats yet you say you want to shield us? Oh my savior!! Spare me the half ass rescue attempt. You want to save us? Pay everyone according to what was agreed upon when we signed up.
We don't want people to go in debt for purchasing at bux.to; acting otherwise is not only unethical and rude it is also harming the honesty of bux.to business.What rock are you hiding under? Honesty and bux.to are like oil and water. There is no honestly left in bux.to. You have scammed members day by day. You ban them for speaking their mind, you take their money without no remorse of what you have done. First I would like to know how in the hell can you sit there and talk about ethics, when you leave people like Quandor unpaid?? Or how about Imperator? We know you decide who gets paid.
Payments are going out daily, new requests and long-waiting mixed, to avoid building up of longer queue.Daily? Are we talking about the new members. You know the members that are paid 3 times in a month? That is not mixing payments. That is pure marketing and advertising strategy. Who the hell came up with that? Oh that's right. You did. Way to go genius!
Instead of using that money to pay the original investors you have decided to pick and choose who you plan to pay. Perhaps the ones who will praise bux.to the most? You are not fooling anyone with this so called divine plan. All you are doing is stalling. If you had the money you would have paid everyone by now. It doesn't take over a year to pay someone. On top of that there are people that have passed the audit over 6 months ago!! People like Imperator Why isn't he paid? Hmmm??? Because you don't' have enough money to pay him! Admit it.
You are running a scam. You are trying to squeeze every nickle out of this site that you can. Not for us, for yourself. You want to gain some respect? Start paying your older investors. The ones who supported this site from day one. Without them, your site wouldn't even exist. And this is how you do us?
You say you want to make bux.to great again. Pay your members, starting with the oldest. If you don't...you will never regain your status. You can count on it. Blogs and sites are forming day by day. No matter how many contests you invent, you can not drown out our stories. You may change the forum rules and ban us from your site, but you will never have control over us outside your walls. Until you pay us, bux.to will always be on our shit list. We will never stop and we will never give up. Lets see who can go the distance. Shall we?

- Anonymous said...
Looks like the censorship has already started. Any post in buxbb must now be approved by staff.
Now we'll most likely see nothing much more than YourBuxCard's spamming and scamming. - May 24, 2009 at 8:28 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Yes Bux.to has decided to make the forum a market place to sell scams. I am sure that will scare away most members, when they find out a PTC forum is not being used for what it was intended to be used for. Bux.to mine as well have taken down the forum. Since this one holds no purpose for members.
- May 24, 2009 at 10:02 PM
- Anonymous said...
Brilliant article!!!!! sooooo true, most old investors are now banned or suspended. I have been cheated out of thousands. SCAMMERS!!!!
- May 25, 2009 at 3:27 AM