The Cowardly Lion
Thursday, March 5, 2009Bux.to's Mods and staff continue to cry foul, and play that same sad tune. Claiming that they are unfairly portrayed on blogs and videos. Yet they still approve and support this scamming website called Bux.to. A sad story indeed.
What has changed is the "we are not paid !" line that was being used in the past. It seems that the news about the bonus was true. They say it was an anniversary bonus. If it was the "Bux.to Anniversary" then that puts it right when payments were starting slip, and members were not getting paid. They proclaim it was not much, but for many members I am sure that is a slap to the face. Especially when you have not seen one cent from this web site.
I found a post very interesting today from moderator AMC and I quote:
There are pictures of me on that blog too, taken from my forum avater and I know my online storage got unwanted visit to see if there were more to find because on my avatar picture I wear a chador, so that's not very satisfying for them because you see only my eyes.
But despite that, and despite the idiotic nonsense they post there about me, it is mostly targeting SPIDERWOMAN and in the most scandalous indecent way you can try to hit someone, hiding behind supposed anonymity like the real cowards they are
Interesting. I have photobucket. I don't understand how she thinks her PUBLIC album received a unwanted visit? You can't track hits or IP addresses through photobucket from your account. Unless you are sitting from a photobucket office, how did you come up with this conclusion?
Let's stop beating around the bush. You and bux.to know who I am. So the "you are a coward" card doesn't play well. Especially when we both know how I got your pictures, and how you know I got them. Frankly I do not care who or what you look like. I already know what you look like. An older lady with gray short hair. So that theory of me trying to find out what you look like is busted. I would have used the picture with you in the Chador and used Spiderwoman's blog photo if I wanted to. But, I don't care about that.
So now it comes to it. We must ask ourselves...hmmm.... how does AMC know that I saw her PUBLICLY listed photobucket album? Especially way before the videos were even made.
I will not release this information. At least not yet. But I can tell you this, Bux.to already knows who I am. The only reason why they wont come forward...is because of the method of how they obtained that information. Especially before the videos and blogs were made.
So if I am labeled a coward. So be it. Yours truly...The Cowardly Lion. Hear me roar!!
- Anonymous said...
MY thoughts about bux
I am one angry mother fucker. I feel I have been robbed scammed and lied too. IM sick of the staffs "hollier than tho attitude."
The staff claim it's not thier fault. They are not the payment department. Bullshit. The staff are to blame because they are involved in a company that is scamming innocent poeple and they knowingly lie for them. They are the representatives.
Im banned from thier forum, but i give everyone a fair warning. I am out for blood.
For every member who is not paid within a few weeks, there's going to be a price to pay. A price that will finally destroy bux and thier lies for once and for all. I aint fucking kidding either.
The bux staff are about to be exposed. And they will endure one strike for every member who is not paid. No joke. The walls are closing in. - March 5, 2009 at 11:49 PM
- Anonymous said...
It's really about time someone took a fucking stand, anonymous or not. I'd really like to get a team together of accounts with three or four figures (or more) pending payment for six months or more and sue their asses. It's been nearly a year for me with over $500 rotting. Frustrating as hell!
- March 6, 2009 at 3:45 AM
- Opa and Ga said...
Yes Bux will be exposed this year from top to bottom.
- March 6, 2009 at 4:03 AM
- Anonymous said...
They should close that site already, George is rich by now so why keep that site running and getting more cash flowing in? ;)
- March 6, 2009 at 9:18 AM
- Anonymous said...
Soon bux.to will disappear and we will be at peace. Remember all the bad karma will come back to you and your children and every generation after that. Spend our money wisely, because one day I might kick you in the head when the money is all gone and you are begging in the streets to me.
- March 6, 2009 at 5:52 PM
- Anonymous said...
greeting i come be to this place becase i see video buxto has scammed me to i waited long time and gets no money why can you help me gets my money please sorry for my eglish
- March 8, 2009 at 12:45 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Sorry to hear that you have been waiting for so long. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do when it comes to making them pay you. All I can do is warn others before they become and another member who has been scammed by bux.to
Bux.to continues to hide behind their Terms Of Service, and that is where we will have a hard time in making them pay. - March 8, 2009 at 1:37 PM