Bux.to is Delusional !
Friday, June 12, 2009Yesterday bux.to celebrates it's 2nd year anniversary. Claims it is the first successful PTC to move in their third year. I guess spending 2 years scamming people and getting away with it could be labeled as "successful". I doubt members would say bux.to is anywhere near the successful category.
And I know plenty of other sites that have been online longer for 2 years and are way more successful than the likes of bux.to. Hits4Pay, FusionCash, adpaid.com and others. What does these have that bux.to does not? They pay! And on time! It is clear that bux.to does not do these things. I don't know about you but the term success does not come to mind when your payment is 1 + 1/2 year past due. I would call it a failure and take it to the "scam" level.
This is why bux.to has to constantly tell themselves how great they are. Their self esteem is lacking, and for a good reason. Only scams have to constantly remind its users how great they are. You don't see Neobux inventing a new site to tell others how great they are. Do you? Of course not. Their actions speak louder than any word. And that is all bux.to has. Their word. Which isn't good enough. Bux.to is Delusional to think they are the best PTC on the internet. To feed their mental illness, they invent another bux.to site. Yes another. This time a "news paper" type of site. And guess what? All about bux.to and how great they think of themselves. http://thedailyearner.com
So I ask myself, how does bux.to measure success? It's obvious not by honoring their contract with their members and paying them on time. Perhaps it is by their offshore bank accounts? Ahh success! How bitter and sweet it is.
- Anonymous said...
- June 12, 2009 at 6:01 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
LOL...Sad but true.
- June 12, 2009 at 9:47 PM
- Anonymous said...
omg, how hard is it for the authorities to get them offline!? online life rly sux :(
- July 2, 2009 at 10:59 AM
- Anonymous said...
I've already reported SPIDERWOMAN and AMC to authorities and to their (Germany/switzerland/UAE) local law enforcement agencies. I've got a reply from them and they told me that they're currently looking after these two scammers.
- July 9, 2009 at 11:36 AM
- xXTrizzleXx said...
Truly sad how they have deluded people indeed! I do however applaud your efforts to make these phonies known hehe - hope you didn't lose too much from these crooks!
- July 27, 2009 at 7:06 AM
- Anonymous said...
What happened to the post/link to buxtoterminator.info ?
- August 1, 2009 at 4:21 AM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
You can find the bux.to terminator link to the top right hand side of this blog. Under "News", the first link.
- August 1, 2009 at 4:26 PM
- Anonymous said...
What happened to thebuxtolokouts blog? Was it removed?
- August 8, 2009 at 5:33 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Yes it was removed and all the info is already on this blog. ::wink::
It no longer served it's purpose. - August 8, 2009 at 5:34 PM
- Anonymous said...
First of all, I'd like to thank the blog maker for creating such a informative blog and providing us a space to comment with free speech and share our feelings. Hats off to you!
AMC aka forum staff, don't worry karma will come and strike you back. You and all others know that you're doing all this rubbish works on forum thinking that you'll get paid as a staff one day. It's very obvious and all know that is your intention deep down inside. Only thing I can say about you is you're a shame for the entire Islamic community.
SPIDERWOMAN aka forum admin, don't think everyone thinks you're innocent. You let AMC to do all your dirty work and sometimes appeared innocent in front of the audience. You know that deep well inside. All I can say to you is even if bux.to gets back on track with payments, you'll never again be respected by anyone. NOT EVEN BY A SINGLE ONE! Lying, cheating to members, and playing with peoples and their money.
You're one of the dirties and nastiest individual we ever met online or offline.. and you know the reason... - August 14, 2009 at 4:10 PM
- Anonymous said...
Great blog. Only truths written here..
hmm.. and seems like they don't have any shame or moral.
Don't know what AMC is doing there? Last time I saw (before I got banned) she was a** licking and desperately trying to become paid staff there..
Gotta love her posts "New script is none of your concern", "servers is not your property".
And I laugh @ each and everyone..
In a real life job, if you're a customer support representative and you talked to your clients like that, you're immediately fired!!! And it shows that proper education is non existent to talk to a customer that way being in a customer support team (be it volunteer or non-volunteer support).
She is worst worst and worst support staff I ever came across...
But hey, it's bux.to.. and I'm not surprised that they picked her for support.. - August 22, 2009 at 12:30 PM
- Anonymous said...
A very we'll written blog.They've scammed me of thousand of $$.
They pay couple of the guyz just to show that they are paying and rest everything is fake.
These bastards must be imprisoned 4 ever for whatever the shit they did.
Guyz get the ppl together to nab these bastards. No 1 should be left out. There shouldn't be any jurisdiction in nabbing them.Find them & make them squeal. - September 27, 2009 at 2:53 PM
- Anonymous said...
bux.to = ahbux.com !?
- October 19, 2009 at 2:25 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Not seeing the connection. ??
- October 20, 2009 at 1:28 AM
- Anonymous said...
now?? XD
- January 15, 2010 at 1:44 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Now? You mean ahbux or something else?
- January 15, 2010 at 4:04 PM
- Anonymous said...
hi,i was scammed from bux.to.
i sent a mail to fbi cybercrime
i sent a mail to official governmental site of dominica.
i am trying to convince italian television to make a special reportage on bux.to and internet risks.
finally i want to try a good private investigator,,,i will spend ,,,but they will close!
marco - January 16, 2010 at 9:42 AM
- Anonymous said...
Those two entries are VERY interesting. I read it for like 10th time... - March 8, 2010 at 1:34 PM
- Anonymous said...
you have no news about this scam?
- July 25, 2010 at 5:54 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
re: "you have no news about this scam?"
It is pretty much the same. Still scamming. We have just left this blog up for those who are trying to find information about the site. The site hasn't changed and we still receive a lot of complaints. - August 17, 2010 at 1:20 PM
- BUX TO IS SCAM? said...
I do not understand why for so long not pay me??????
The others are receiving and that I am a Premium member for so long did not see the color of my money yet Why ??????
I have invested much money in you.
You have my money in audit for a long time and my money has not sent me whats going on ????????My patience has limits.
Look My acount Pleaseee and send my money please.
Friday 01 Aug 2008 01:07 PM $ 900 AlertPay/Card Pending Audit - December 28, 2010 at 6:42 PM
- mohumabo said...
My personal experience: premium user, buxcard, more than 500 eur invested, and nothing paid. Bux.to SCAMMED me. Leave here my blog for more info, pls visit and vote: http://scambuxtoes.blogspot.com
thank you. - April 11, 2011 at 1:08 PM