Bux.to Payments Canceled, YES AGAIN!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009If you ever seen the movie the matrix you will see a black cat walk by and do it again, and Neo says, "Whoa. Déjà vu. " Trinity later explains "A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something. " And that is what we have here! Yes it is a bad case of Déjà vu at Bux.to.
As many victims of this scam know, payouts were canceled if they were under $50 for Standard Members.
It now looks like another round of canceled payments have begone. This time the attack is on members who have a pending payout over $999.00. Premiums and Standards. This proves bux.to is hard up for CASH!! So what does the owner do? Get rid of his money problems. Cancel all payments over $999. Thanks to the one who provided the shot
As you can see from the screenshot. You can't make a request over $999.
I have just received information that someone had a 4000$ request and has just received an email form bux that his request was canceled and if he has not broken the TOS he can put in a new request.
Hello XXXXX,Another request canceled:
your payment request has been canceled and the amount you requested returned to your account. Please make sure that you follow our TOS at http://bux.to/tos.php otherwise we cannot proceed.
To view your payment history please visit, http://bux.to/history.php
More detailed information can be found at http://buxbb.com
Thanks for participating,
This email was sent from Bux.to as you have signed up for an account as XXXXX

As you can see the TOS has not been updated to reflect such changes. As of today:

And there is nothing mentioned in the news section. Last time they made a announcement on the front page of bux.to when cancellations were made.

Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the government or media organizations as determined by a censor.This could be the reason why bux.to started the new kind of censorship on their forum. They knew that people would flip out. So now posts in the open areas now have to be pre approved before the are published.
So now that we have silenced the members, while we are at it, lets burn up some pending payments too. Heil George!!??
Now we have to wonder why this change has not been announced? Oh that's right, that would look very bad to the public. Too bad blogs can't be controlled my little German friend. ::wink::

I have a feeling that bux.to is creating the next group of bagheads with the new changes that just took place. May I give you the Baghead Class of 2009. And they are not happy...

- Anonymous said...
Well now, looks like bux.to has suck to a new low.
Not only do they cancel all cashouts for under $50.00, now they have done the same thing to those of us who have waited over 14 months now for our payments ovr $1000.00.
The new limit of $999.00 is a huge slap in the face for those of us who invested larger amounts into this obvious ponzi site.
We now have to wait for years now to get back the balance in our accounts.
Just think if it takes over 14 months to get back your request now, if that is limited to $999 it will take some of us over ten years to get back our balance.
And who here thinks bux.to will be around in the year 2019???? I can't see many hands. - May 27, 2009 at 1:46 AM
- Anonymous said...
really sux that's what this does. It is quite pathetic to think that sux would sink to this low, but in reality, I've only been a baghead for about three weeks now and it really does not surprise me!
Not surprised that it is hidden away much like many of the other bux lies that occur behind closed doors! - May 27, 2009 at 9:41 AM
- Anonymous said...
haha.. What I find funny is that all of the sudden SPIDERWOMAN is sick. Anyone keeping up with this lie? Whats next? SPIDEY met with an accident? Reminds me of Taketheglobe Admin. The same person who SPIDERWOMAN and AMC accused. LMAO!!!
- May 28, 2009 at 9:32 AM
- Anonymous said...
Spiderwoman / Splinterwoman sick, or she just have change their nickname...watch the way like the new admin members write and answer...you will think "It allmost smells like SPIDER xxxit"
I'm waiting for almost a Year, and next week i will complaint to ic3.gov, and EUROPOL, so that they can persecute them... - May 31, 2009 at 5:24 PM
- YsirYum said...
They did canceled my payment wich is almost $1500...in 30 days, i will be waiting for (my payment) for 500 days...
I really don't understand why IC3.gov and FBI don't do nothing???
(http://moneyinvestmentstips.blogspot.com/) - October 17, 2009 at 9:58 AM
- Nick @ Canada said...
You can`t view people feedback on the forums. You cannot register yourself on the forum. The support SUCKS... This is a ponzi, and I REALLY HOPE that I WILL get all my penny BACK.
NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER invest in ptc^^ work instead. - October 27, 2009 at 11:26 PM