Forum Updates - Bux.to Problems & Member's Patience Grows Thin
Wednesday, February 18, 2009Posted by
Bux.to Sux!!
A busy day on the forum for both Mods and Members. Threads were closed left and right, while members are wondering why they should even bother posting on the forum. The forum has become a poor outlet ran by a handful of mods who take part in keeping the bux.to scheming machine well oiled. By closing threads and moving them out of the public's view. By hiding them, bux.to can easily snare the next bux.to victim.
As I watch this dance unfold, members and mods battle over payments. Mods tell little or give a copy and paste answers. SPIDERWOMAN, is still singing the same song.
"Hahahahahahaha... it's just that I know what's cooking in the bux.to kitchen right now."
Today a post was posted on the forums from a PTCSITE.com, who ranks PTC sites. It was sad to see how mods treated this member, who has given nothing but praise in the past towards Bux.to.
I'm the admin of PTCSITE.com, a website dedicated to the PTC industry. We have PTC reviews, rankings, scam list, forums etc. Your website occupied No.1 position in our rankings. Please view following topics:
That was until today.
We received a mail today from Reg.net alerting us that our premium subscription to Bux.to was about to expire. Before renewing, we had to check the status of your website. However, we noticed that our payment has been pending since Friday, 11 Apr, 2008. A support ticket regarding this matter did not fetch a response.
We hereby request an explanation regarding the undue delay in processing our payment. We would also like to know if the payment request can be cancelled and our payments refunded.
I'd be glad to take up this issue directly with a mod or admin.
Bux.to Forum Members can view this topic here:
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And now for the reply from Mods:
Vpbani & TaichouInkei gave their usual response. The same song and dance about backlogs and waiting times for payouts. So I will not knock them for that since they did it in professional manner. The only two active mods and staff members that still have integrity.
Then along came a SPIDERWOMAN. To no surprise, I must say she never fails when making sarcastic remarks and rude undertones in her replies. I will let you be the judge:
Mr. Ptcsite, you can cancel the renewal of your membership. Just read the forum and get an idea, get your own opinion and take a decision by yourself. We cannot tell you "do it" or "don't". It's your money and you should know if it's convenient for you or not.
An idea, I don't think he was looking for an idea. If she actually would read before she spouts off then maybe she would have an idea about what he was asking. I believe it was an explanation for the delay and if he could receive a refund.
I can not believe Bux.to would be so rude to a paying member and who runs a PTC ranking web site. The member posted in a respectful manner and I believe they should receive a respectful reply. After all this is a potential PR and advertising moment that bux.to can not afford to lose.
PTCSITE reply: @SPIDERWOMAN:I have sent you a PM
PTCSITE 2nd reply: @SPIDERWOMAN:Have you read my PM?
I would like to talk to a mod or admin personally regarding this issue.
Yes, this is how they treat their members. Members who have paid thousands of dollars of dues and fees. Who brought bux.to to their height of success by referring family and friends. And this is how they are treated?
So we are back to the one question that mods and other bux.to members are asking. Why bother? Because members care. They will not let you get away with this. Not if they can help it. They will not sit on their hands nor will they take it bending over while bux.to continues with their scheme. You can try to silence them by closing your threads and moving them out of the public's eyes, but the truth will always prevail. Your actions or lack of actions have already proven this. You have ran out of excuses my friend, and the time has come for you to make due on what is owed to your members.
Someone once said that you can judge a country by the way they treat their people. I wonder if that goes hand in hand with the relationship of a business owner and it's customer. I am sure only time will tell, but I am pretty sure we already know the answer.
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