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Interpol Is Coming For YOU...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

There is a lot to go over so bare with me while I go over of what is happening in the world of

First off, I like to thank all of those who have left important info in our comment section or by e-mail. It has become a big help. For those of you who have any info regarding can leave it in our comment section anonymously. You can do this by leaving it on any posting or you can do it here.

Now back to the business of mods and admin are still playing the banning and closing thread "game". As I predicted the "Personal Attack" thread was closed. I guess got tired of people chiming in and giving them a earful of what they thought about the whole ordeal.

On top of that, has been banning people for speaking what is on their minds. Of course we are talking about here. I guess telling mods and administrators that they are just as responsible for the crimes that is making, is a little too much for them to handle. The term the truth hurts comes to mind. Them locking threads and banning people for saying these things is only making it look more likely this could be even closer to the truth.

Also, dormant moderators like TaichouInkei are showing a little life in them. Seems odd that a moderator who was showing his frustrations in the staff room is now changing his tune. From the translator staff room: (Thanks to Confessions of a Flaming Baghead for the work in finding this)

10 Feb 2009, 06:06 PM

So... somebody wanna get an update on what's going on?

Not that I'm flipping flags.. but the whole thing looks pretty dead...

10 Feb 2009, 09:30 PM

But I mean, there's a point of no return and I think, at this point, it's being ever so slowly crossed into.. particularly with no sign of life coming from the heirarchy.

This is something I learned and unwillingly accepted. Now I moved on and I am having the "waiting time" as long as it takes, as long as I keep having direct contact with management.

I dunno if I could agree, business wise. I would venture to say that planning to start over with whoever's left is kind of bleak, as plans go. But then, I only know what I've been taught, I guess. Things taking as long as they take, though.. it doesn't seem like a healthy standpoint to take.

I know there's not much you can do, but I mean the uppers.

If you see me quiet, stay quiet... whenever you see me run, try to catch up.

You'll forgive me if I prefer to watch from 2 or 3 steady meters behind, instead icon_cool.gif.

A change in tune, indeed. Maybe staff are being paid again. Money makes a world of difference in the PTC World.

Which brings me to the biggest update yet. From my anonymous poster who alerted me about UrOnlineBiz review (thank you for the info).

Let me try and break their review down.
The admin of PTC Guardian published screenshots of his bux-account showing that after converting a fraction of his balance into ads he ended up getting a negative balance of $-1,078. The forum moderators and admin started shouting that that's impossible and that the PTC amin was basically lying. When PtCGuardian Produced the screenshots as proof there were accusations like "Photoshop" and "fake" etc.

Wow, photoshop. Who would of thought of that? And why would someone go through all of that just to make a fake photo?, do you think people need photoshop to prove that is a scam? Once again, why is it always the member who has to prove wrong when it should be the other way around? You people haven't showed us squat! Yet when we have a problem, you guys throw your nose up at us and automatically write us off!

When the PTC Guardian admin announced that he would publish the password to his bux-account so that ANYONE could log in and see for themselves, the bux staff finally had a heads up and looked in the issue properly. It turned out the PTCGuardian was right, there was a serious mess up with his account and the cockiest bux forum moderator who had promised free ads to PTC Guardian, if she was proven wrong, had to pay for PTC Guardians ads out of her own pocket. Well that's what she claimed she would do...but surprise surprise, PTC guardian still didn't get the ads and still the account balance in negative. We will see after today if they rally live up to their promises for once. 2007-2009©

Oh this is interesting. And spiderwoman thinks this is going away? It will be great to see the owner... oops....I mean spiderwoman to make due on her promises. The "cockiest" staff member now has to eat crow and deliver. Will she? Like I say, only time will tell. Spider, just don't make it a "soon" kind of thing or we will know that your word cant be take seriously. As we have learned from the past.

We sympathize with PTC Guardian. In the future we recommend not only taking screenshots when producing evidence/proof like this but to also use a video tool and create a video where you login to your account and show the balance; a great way to make the doubters shut up and to not have to listen to accusations like "photoshop" Here is a video from MYPTCSite that shows a negative balance at

I know it is a shame it has come down to this. Where you have to take video clips of your accounts and your findings just to prove your point. When hasn't prove squat to us.

Recently AMC claimed my postings on this blog is "falsified". Which is a bunch of bull. I took video shots of her Azerty Money maker site as well. Because I knew sooner or later she would come down with the "falsified" excuse.

Here is one of the clips. Enjoy

Interpol was notified of actions over a month ago and even though it will take time at least we know that is under investigation. Reporting to Interpol hand nothing to do with the case of PTC Guardian but with the fact that thousands of members has not been paid and lost loads of money. In fact it was not even PTC Guardian who reported to Interpol, it was staff from

MyPTCSite staff believe that they will never get paid what they have in their bux to accounts so basically they have nothing to lose by reporting, but it will most likely be a very interesting reading when justice is finally brought to the members who never got paid.

Interpol is being very quiet about the details around but it seems that bux at one point registered a "mail-box-company" in the west indies to transfer their money there. Later on the money hs been moved around and spread out in bank accounts and payment processors. The names Debbie and George who has appeared as the people behind bux to are fake and the real identity of the person behind bux (Interpol claims that there is one European main character in this farse that will probably have to take the full responsibility and end up in a court of law) will be announced when this case is brought to court. 2007-2009©
Interesting. Strange that Spiderwoman has been moving around all the sudden. And "unexpectedly" as she has said in the past.

The MyPTCSite staff says: "Well, Interpol won't tell us anything directly but during the questioning they have asked us about a person that we never heard of before so it was easy to figure out that they were talking about the real person behind It feels great that they have real name now, it brings hope that will finally have to face the consequences of their actions. This will be brought to a European Union court since involves members from different countries and also because the owner of has spread the money all over the world, it seems. Otherwise we could just have reported to the police in the country where bux owner resides but this is a bit more complicated." 2007-2009©
And there you have it. A ponzi scheme. Doesn't get anymore cut and dry as that.

To the question what the MYPTCSite staff hope to get out of this reply: "We just wanted to get paid in the first place, but we have come to the conclusion that is not an after 5 months of discussion we finally got around to report them properly. Now that ball is already rolling the only way the owner can get away with it is if he pays what he owes people...but we all know that is not going to happen."

Yes, we all know that they are not planning to pay. They have no one else to blame now but themselves. They are stalling and trying to get every last cent out of new members. The are out of money. They even owe Alt3rn4tiv3 money for his services. If they can't pay him, then why would we think they could pay us?

The Line Of Accusations:

Mainly this case is about scam but Interpol also investigates the taxes and salaries of those who work for; forum administrators, moderators, support staff and so on. Some salaries have been paid but Interpol says they have reason to believe that there are also tax issues here. In other words buxto as a employer has not paid the staff's taxes accordingly to the laws and rules. 2007-2009©
Oh great. The old Al Capone loop hole. Either way, they are doomed. Governments hate it when you play the "Tax Evasion" game. Everyone knows about their "office" in Dominica. The building of 1000 businesses. Mostly scams and businesses trying to escape from paying their taxes.
Even if the bux owner would pay the people who reported to Interpol, there will still be tax issues and that sort of crime is in the hands of governments. Our guess is that no matter what happens, the owner is about to have a very bad year.
Well done UrOnlineBiz! I can not wait to see how this all unfolds.

To can be rest assured, when closes shop and when the investigation is complete, I will be on the look out for the next PTC site that magically appears with the reload look and feel to it. You can bank on it. You might think you can get away with this, but sooner or later it will catch up to you, and when it does... I want you to think about all the members you have stolen from. We will be smiling and laughing at you on this day. A glorious day it will be.


Anonymous said...

A superb write up as usual. Keep it up!
Go rot in hell Bux.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you for all your hard work, but it is probably not that hard to prove that is a scam. This latest revaltion is most interesting, as Interpol has more resources and talent than the owner of

Congratulations to you for standing up to this menance.

Opa and Ga said...

So do you think Spiderwoman is the owner? Jail would be nice for her if she is.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out that around the time I requested payment in, my wife got pregnant and now after 10 months she gave birth to a beautiful female child. Now, after 13 months, I' still waiting for my payment from Are you saying that you are still auditing my account? 10+ 3 months = 13 months? even after my wife got pregnant and gave birth to a child? btw, my daughter is 3+ months old now. Please stop lying around and close the site.

Anonymous said...

We say that you ( and their staffs) are lying. You (staffs) say that you aren't and continue to claim so..

I say I'll prove to the world how you lie and how you actually pretend it, RIGHT NOW.

You prove me? That's wonderful. How?

Here we go..

See how Nattymoo pretend this lie (Natymoos post)

Proof :

Ok let us assume you've "really" forgot what al3 wrote. Now let us move on to some other posts similar to this one..

Back in March 08, claimed that the payment processing time for premium members will be roughly same as ref processing time. (that is 2-3 business days).

Here it is..

Now look at how Nattymoo jump of joy after reading this

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now, look at how she pretends it and acts as if she doesn't know this has happened in June

hahaha. May be the person who wrote is isn't you and he is mental hospital right now?

Anonymous said...

I just saw the screenshot here of the now locked "Personal Attacks" thread. So curiously, I went there to check on it. Sure enough, thread was locked.

But what the heck happened to Administrator al3rn4tiv3? Hope I spelled that right because I had to type it out. Usually I just copy and paste it. But now (as I read around 15:00 GMT), his username is now inactive (listed as "Guest") and all his messages are gone. Even his stickies.

Anonymous said...

News Flash : al3rn4tiv3 is fired from

Anonymous said...

alt was fired? serves him right but i dunno i have a strong feeling he is the "husband" George of TRI/splinter/spider woman aka debbie person/nasty mouth. damn! so much aliases there i get confuse hehe. hey count me in among the people who was banned after xmas due to castigating them over banning someone else who has a staggering 65,000 dollars balance on his account. i read his story in ptctalk forum and there i saw the screenshot of his balance, before i know it, lo and behold, i was banned too by either our resident 68 year-old two-faced granny Anzwerty/AMC, or by filthy-mouthed,porn-addicted HObag Spidey to think i am one of the very first investors of back in june 2007 and im sure none of those volunteer mods there have ever heard of that time so right now, i couldnt access the links on the forum so if anyone would like to do screenshot, very much appreciated. To the author of this blog, you are doing a great job, pls continue our fight, i wanna get all my investment back and im in for a lawsuit to support my fellow investors against these scumbags!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the forum is now becoming aware of Lance's disappearance.

17:30 GMT now. Still gone. Mods and Admins came in and out. Nothing was said about it.

Anonymous said...

Now, the personal attack thread has been deleted!!!

Anonymous said...

firstly, I just want to congratulate and thank the blog owner for such a magnificent write up here. I think its time for me to get another forum account to see what slutface spidey and Granny AMC are still saying about their legitimate site they work for.

A few things that come to mind though when reading this.

Speaking of admins and mods who havent been active lately, WHERE THE FUCK IS TRI. I haven't seen that stupid cunt since like the summer, is he fired too?

Secondly, I hope Alternative got paid for his services before he got fired. I assume they would have to or he himself could file a lawsuit against them. Or could it be that Alternative is the owner??? Who knows

Or could it be that SPIDERWOMAN is much more than an administrator than she appears to be. We know she lies about not having access to the payment staff because she was able to push ahead a Vito's and Nicki's payment, so could she very well be an owner of if she has that much authority?? Who knows..

All I can say is that this story is starting to smell very fowl, and I believe all of us are in for a big treat. This will definitely be one of the greatest internet schemes of this decade to come crashing down, and guess what, all of us are lucky enough to be part of this exciting history!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK GOOD NEWS GUYS.. I've contacted about 6 professional lawyers of my country and 1 have about 40 years of experience and finally my lawyer "ASSURED" me that can be shut down. There is one interesting solution for this. This time they cannot hide behind the TOS. Intersting eh? Read on...

1,000,000 members visits in costs $15,999 but claims to pay $25,000 if both downline and upline are premium, right?.
I think this should be bought to the interpol attention and tell them that it is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to pay the members and this system is a proven failure scheme. We don't even have to claim or argue about the non-payment of to prove it is scam. We can prove in any court or to any organization and show them scheme is mathematically impossible and in this way, we can easily shut down the site. In this case, the lawyers ASSURE me that they cannot hide behind the TOS because, clearly claims in their tos and faq that they are NOT an Autosurf, Pyramid, or Ponzi and that they are only a PTC (paid to click) website. If they are gonna use the money they earned from referral sales, to cover up this huuge loss they undergo in ads, they are obviously a ponzi. I've contacted about 6 different lawyers and all say the same. we can shut down if he prove in court that the scheme is mathematically impossible. One of the lawyer has about 40 years of experience and he assured me that they can be shut down this way.

But I think it's gonna cost hundreds of dollars to do so, so if anyone is interested in shutting down this scam site, can prove in court that scheme is mathematically impossible. This will help shut down very easily. Sux!! said...


Alt3rn4tiv3 left
(not fired).

When I have more info I will update the blog. Right now it is kind of sketchy. claims they don't know why he left, but they claim "He is and stays our head of staff." They seem to be clueless right now as to why he has left and deleted his forum account.

Also the entire "Personal Attack" thread has been deleted.

Anonymous said...

I think there are several possible reasons to why he has left:

-he is maybe the only senseless admin that has done anything for us members, and has truly stated his opinion of the management and of this backlog. He also is not necessarily on the same page as the other admins and mods either. He's trying to help and actually do something, instead of picking shit out of his ass like the other admins and mods are doing 24/7.

-He has given up hope with the management. Maybe he saw there was nothing else for him to possibly do, but to leave. He has helped so much up until now with this new script that has been done for ages, and he cant even see his work published because the management is a bunch of greedy cuntfaces. Especially including the fact that the management still hasnt paid him for his services also. He probably just said 'Fuck this!' and was done with it.

-He finally realized was a ponzi scheme after reading all this information on your wonderful blog and viewing some of the videos on youtube and opted out because he is a good hearted man and does not like scamming thousands of innocent people.

-Alternative is the owner of and is running away after reading this blog. He is leaving no trace of him behind and is deleting his account on (not likely, but it is a possibility).

Anonymous said...

Well I dont trust theat Lance I think he is playing games and pretending to have left. As for that Spiderwomen and her sidekick they are liers and cheats and I hopoe interpol gets them after all they are the reason this site is still scamming people.

Anonymous said...

great work

but i would not listen to anything uronlinebiz says!

they have run their own ponzi scams and promote ponzi scams on their website!

this was their site:

now gone! left everyone scammed!

Interpol Greece said...

I m waiting for 1 year and 4 months for payment ... ok they are scam but why they have the forum ? now they moderate every thread ! they lock down all threads and they ban ppl who said for example for this site ...any news from interpol? Sux!! said...

Yeah they are very sensitive to the word "Interpol". And they should be.

Also they have a forum because it is their new tool to entice newbie users. The scam must go on. As they would say.

Anonymous said...


My last payment request from was April 4th 2008 for $7,780...I have still NOT been Paid.
Even if does pay you like they did me in the's just keep you hooked so you will invest more money.Eventually you will be like me,waiting 2 years and still no payment.
If you have been scammed by file a complaint with the Commonwealth of Dominica(this is where is located)
Here's their website.

Anonymous said...

I did an nslookup for and came up with, which go figure is a middleman to block DDos attacks. However running a traceroute on that I came up with a whois record for the following IP:

Its based in Italy.

On another note, If any of the referral sites have any kind of adsense or Yahoo ads, Its against the TOS of those affiliate programs that the sites can be entered into any kind of pay-per-click program. So we can report THOSE sites to adsense/Yahoo that they are viloating the TOS. Then they have to pull their referral ads or lose their adsense monies.

Hit them in the wallet. Thats when they will get theirs.

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