Bux.to's Hypocrisy
Sunday, April 26, 2009Well, well, well...what do we have here? This just gets better and better every day! Bux.to has turned into a international Soap Opera sensation. I have been busy and away from the "drama" at bux.to. So I check in from time to time, to see if anything changed. Of course, nothing has. Only the same old lies coming from that place.
I did find something quite amusing. As everyone knows there is a Mod on bux.to, by the name of "AMC" who desires attention from time to time. Like you would do to anyone who throws fits and tantrums, she is ignored and laughed at on several occasions. She is even the "butt of a joke" on a PRIVATE forum. A forum that she is so desperately obssessed with. All of this is very amusing to watch.
For instance, a couple of days ago a member started a thread to show people on the forum how many people have joined the other PRIVATE forum, known as the "Bagheads" forum. Of course AMC runs to it and points out that some member names are not the same and that if they are not corrected she will close the thread. Oh no!! She is going to close the thread down! ::shaking in my boots::
Also in this thread, AMC mentions she isn't really concerned about what goes on on this other forum. Only that she has been given screen shots of what is being said and done there, and she wants everyone to know that she knows everything that goes on there. LIKE WE CARE!
Let it be known that the PRIVATE forum on the Shack was made by Chrissy, Eternal and Vince (a former Bux.to Moderator) to have discussions about bux.to without the fear of being hounded and demonized by moderators and staff. you see this is what happens when you censor and piss people off. If bux.to didn't edit, delete, and close down threads they wouldn't have this problem. But no! They had to quell all of this for fear of it getting out to the public.
So back to this "Baghead List", I was going to reply today on this thread. However, AMC closed it. She does her little song and dance with Spiderwoman and acts like it is some kind of game. Yes a bunch of grown women playing games with people and their money. Sickening, isn't it?!
So since I am unable to post there, I will post it here. I think I like it better here anyways, since all eyes can see it.
Dear AMC,And that is what I was going to post before the topic was locked. Previously AMC has been barking at other members stating that we are slandering and defaming bux.to and their staff. And what are they doing to us? Scamming us? Stealing from us? This is bux.to's Hypocrisy. When members are treated unfairly we are suppose to shut up and take it. However when the same in return is dealt, they can not handle it!
Yes, we know we have people within our own forum under your thumb. And? Your point is? What concern is it to you? You keep saying you don't care...however you keep bringing it up. Obsessed much? We know you are obsessed with "Our little group". I for one could care less if you knew. The point of the "Shack" is to express ourselves freely without bux.to and their little Nazis coming around and deleting and censoring what we say. I think it is hilarious that you are now able to read what we say about you. And if I could I would say it now. But we all know what would happen to it once it is said.
However, I wouldn't doubt that those screen shots came from Alt3rna4tiv3. You know the one who admitted to hacking in to the Shacks forum and using another users name, who had nothing to do with this? I am pretty much sure that is a illegal act. An act which bux.to is associated with. Oh, and I have screen shots of that conversation where he admitted in doing this. Since you talk about screen shots.
Bux.to isn't concerned about it but they get someone to hack in to a user name and use their account to browse a private forum. Does that sound like a person who doesn't care?
You can throw around all the threats in the world. Nothing but hot air. Nothing but talk from you. I would love for you to file a claim against me. Please, reveal who you are. You think you have lawyers at your dispose? You haven't seen nothing. I want to see how you and bux.to are going to explain yourselves for what you have done. An employee from a company who is committing fraud and stealing money is going to file a suit against me? A scammer is going to sue me? Please, don't make me laugh.
See you in court my dear. Hope you have fun in Indianapolis.
Bux.to, you have stolen, ridiculed us, and underestimated us. Bad move on your part. You want to file a claim against us? Do it! Stop wasting our time with all of your bull shit. You know you don't have a leg to stand on if you try and pursue this. Come on, show us who you are. Show us who the owner is, show us your real names. A company that is being investigated by Interpol and who is violating tax laws thinks they are victims of slander? Someone needs to go back to Law School or bux.to needs to find a new "legal department".
For those who don't know in order to file or make such a claim, they need to do it where it took place. Well, bux.to. You have your work cut out for you, because your so called "slander" claim is all over the internet from thousands of members. You can't even pay your members!
Also it is the Plaintiff who has to prove slander occurred, not the defendant.
Even if a statement is derogatory, there are circumstances in which such statements are permissible in law. Note that, due to the burden of proof, it is not initially the defendant's duty to prove these defenses; rather, it is the plaintiff's duty to prove that the defenses are invalid (i.e. the defendant does not need to prove that the statements are true; the plaintiff must prove that they are false).
Question: What defenses may be available to someone who is sued for defamation?
Answer: There are ordinarily 6 possible defenses available to a defendant who is sued for libel (published defamatory communication.)
1. Truth. This is a complete defense, but may be difficult to prove.
2. Fair comment on a matter of public interest. This defense applies to "opinion" only, as compared to a statement of fact. The defendant usually needs to prove that the opinion is honestly held and the comments were not motivated by actual "malice." ( Malice means knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth of falsity of the defamatory statement.)
3. Privilege. The privilege may be absolute or qualified. Privilege generally exists where the speaker or writer has a duty to communicate to a specific person or persons on a given occasion. In some cases the privilege is qualified and may be lost if the publication is unnecessarily wide or made with malice.
4. Consent. This is rarely available, as plaintiffs will not ordinarily agree to the publication of statements that they find offensive.
5. Innocent dissemination. In some caes a party who has no knowledge of the content of a defamatory statement may use this defense. For example, a mailman who delivers a sealed envelope containing a defamatory statement, is not legally liable for any damages that come about from the statement.
6. Plaintiff's poor reputation. Defendant can mitigate (lessen) damages for a defamatory statement by proving that the plaintiff did not have a good reputation to begin with. Defendant ordinarily can prove plaintiff's poor reputation by calling witnesses with knowledge of the plaintiff's prior reputation relating to the defamatory content.
Or how about this one,
Defamation law in the United States is much less plaintiff-friendly than its counterparts in European. In the United States, a comprehensive discussion of what is and is not libel or slander is difficult, because the definition differs between different states, and under federal law. Some states codify what constitutes slander and libel together into the same set of laws. Criminal libel is rare or nonexistent, depending on the state. Defenses to libel that can result in dismissal before trial include the statement being one of opinion rather than fact or being "fair comment and criticism". Truth is always a defense.Like I said, stop your huffing and puffing. You think you have a case? You know who I am. Lets go! In return I will be able to receive what I need to file counter suit against you and your precious bux.to. Fraud, money laundering, and being apart of a Ponzie Scheme. Don't think there isn't others who would love to jump aboard in filing that suit.
You and bux.to have used and bribed other members to gather information on a private forum. Bux.to staff have also hacked into a forum without the owners permission. Sounds like breaking and entering to me!
Everthing on this blog and on those videos were taken from PUBLIC files that you, staff, and bux.to displayed. However, I can not say the same for you, since you have obtained "screen shots" from a PRIVATE forum. Which I think is funny that you think you have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. How sad and pathetic.
You may think you can scare others, but you don't scare me. I know your kind, I deal with them day in and day out. So stop this nonsense and this bullying. You want to pursue us? BRING IT ON! While you are at it, you might want to read up on Defamation. Google it some time.

Again, not all members on the other forum are bux.to members. And what they do is NONE of your business!

Why? For stating the truth and listing the names from that forum? Again, what concern is it of yours.

Oh what a bunch of bull. Harry Potter. Don't you dare try to associate that name with bux.to. Maybe Voldemort! I guess our plotting, as you describe, is a black mark against us, then why are so many fleeing and coming to that forum? Hmmm? Obviously we have something to offer that you don't? Like freedom to express how they feel, even if it is not in bux.to's best interest?

I don't know, maybe you would look like an ass for trying to make videos and blog about us. I am sure your "friend" that you tried to get to go after me would be happy to help you. You know the one you tried to start a religious uprising with? Yeah, you would never go that low. Maybe I need to refresh you memory.

HA! HA! If there ever was a example of Hypocricy, Here it is:
First off, I remember a certain administrator not too long ago that deleted his account too. Hmmm....was it Alt3rn4tiv3? Nice one!
Second: I think this Keana that you are referring to is a honorable person for standing up and walking away when he/she discovered the site was scamming its members. Strange, I can say that about you!

Thanks, it is official, now that the "Nick" has given his two cents. And I wonder about your mentality from time to time. So like wise, Nick.

Oh lord. Incomplete? Like bux.to's list of members not being paid? I think that list is incomplete too. And like I said before, it is none of your business if someone wants to use another name on a forum, then that is their god given right. I tell you what, you tell us your names that you use on other PTC sites, and I we will tell you ours. I for one, already know one of yours. Azerty<--------------Take The Globe Member

So then why is "the pot calling the kettle black"? Bux.to and staff have no right to make such claims, especially if they are guilty of the same act!

Your not interested, yet you continue to go on about it? What??? How can you say one thing out of one corner of your mouth and say something totally different out of the other?
I know for a fact that your are obsessed with this other forum. You sending in "your little owls" is proof alone that you have a unhealthy obsession with that forum.

Mmmkay...People in the same house are talking to each other, on a forum? You guys need a room? Why the games? We know you guys planned this. Talk about waste of bandwidth.

Oh spare me the "I am trying to help you " act. If you are not in control of payouts then why do you think you can help? And you have said some things that were taken from that forum. Via PMs and other communications. Don't try act all innocent.
You would have us believe someone went to the other forum and took screen shots of this PRIVATE forum out of the kindness of their hearts? Gee I wonder. Hmm. ... I do recall a member by the name of Maxx who was paid recently after he made a deal with the "devil".
Also, he was seen on this other forum for hours without posting. Ahh, yes. Makes perfect sense. I guess money talks and bull shit walks!

Threats, blah blah threat, blah blah.
Bring it on! If you are so worrid about the list, you would have closed it days ago! Instead you play these stupid games.

Speaking of filth, have you seen what Spider writes? My lord! And you can withstand being in the same house with that? Ewww! Since you are concerned about "Filth" on other forums, maybe you should take a gander at your new roomate and the mouth on her. Again, hypocricsy, at it's greatest.
- Anonymous said...
A(lmighty)MC should be banned from buxbb. Based on her own Moderator note.
She opened a thread after Scammerwoman closed it. She did not "respect the decision of the moderator who closed it. It is closed and please, it should stay closed".
She also said she's losing patience. Poor example to give the other members. lol Practice what you preach AMC. Be patient. You said you didn't care anyway. Looks more like the bagheads are raising your blood pressure.
I guess now we can expect bux.to will endevour to take legal action soon™. - April 27, 2009 at 4:11 PM
- Anonymous said...
Its perfectly clear that AMC is looking for publicity. She will do anything and everything to seek attention towards her. As you said, her comments and opinions in bux forum have been ignored several times by members. The only one who agree with what she says is spiderwoman and vice versa.
AMC = hunger for publicity.
AMC, admin wannabe? - April 28, 2009 at 5:11 AM
- Anonymous said...
What does she want? A cookie? Oh god, this woman is a wreck. A hypocritical child that desires attention. Well congratulations AMC you now have your attention. You are now deemed as a accomplice to a crime on one blog, a hypocrite on another, and now the butt of a joke on a private forum. I wonder if she is happy with that kind of attention?
I am beginning to wonder if her head is screwed on right. Sorry, but that woman has issues. Either daddy didn't hug her enough or she is just a power hungry B-I-T-C-H. - April 28, 2009 at 2:46 PM
- Anonymous said...
"The only one I would send all of your forum content is bux.to management."
Oh, a forum "cleaning lady" does that? LMAO!!!
Ever saw her writing a thousand times that she's in no contact with bux.to management whatsover and that she's only a cleaning lady? lmfao...
Another lie to add to the list..
AMC aka forum staff.. You're not fooling anyone but you're fooling yourself..
It was very clear that you're somehow trying to climb up the ladder and become paid staff at bux.to... it's very clear by the way you write "oh, I'm only a cleaning lady" "oh, I'm only this and that"...
Your dream of getting paid as a staff from buxto may come one day but don't worry, you'll pay for all your ugly actions!!!!
Mark my words!!! - August 23, 2009 at 2:34 PM