Add Insult To Injury...
Sunday, March 15, 2009Thanks HarleyD for the PicBux.to has done it again! Members continue to be paid out of sequence!
Recently a petition was created by Bux.to's Administrator alt3rn4tiv3. At the end of the month he plans to give this to bux.to's owner. Sounds great! Or does it? These lists have been made on bux.to's forum before, one after another and nothing was done. A person can easily get the lists and print them out.
So why would this petition be any different? Anyone with a pair of eyes in their head can read the forum and could tell if there was a problem. If the owner of bux.to was concerned about petitions and payouts they would have seen this through the forum. And we all know the owners have access to the forum.
The reasoning behind this petition, is that it was suggested that the forum wouldn't be as conclusive as this petition. However when you go to sign this petition you can see its flaws at the get go. As you can see from the screen capture from bellow, member ewarddy was moved ahead of others.
Could this be a sign of favoritism? I will leave that up to bux.to members to decide.
Note: I do not lay the fault at Edwarddy/Vito, but at bux.to. After all Edwarddy has every right to fight for what is his.
Another problem with the petition is when you try and make a entry, it wont take it. Page went blank after you hit the sign button. You can try hitting enter, or the sign button. Still no confirmation. Many other members on the forum stated this as well.
Update: In order to make your entry go in you can not use any special characters. Letters and numbers only.

Then the most important thing of all. Why is the petition being kept on the down low? Why are they keeping it such a secret? If alt3rn4tiv3 objective is to get the owner to start paying his members...then why isn't this in the news section on bux.to. I remember in my previous conversation with alt3rn4tiv he stated that I was confusing buxbb.com and bux.to. However when you look in the top left hand corner, both still say bux.to.
So, why isn't this on the front page of bux.to? At the least, it should be a sticky. Then on top of that spiderwoman acts like she doesn't know who is the person behind the petition. Spider, are you serious? Do you expect us to believe that? I was PMed by Alt and in these PMs he clearly stated he was behind the petition. So why is the spider acting like she doesn't know?
These are nothing but games and stalling from bux.to. Do not be fooled by bux.to or their staff. They like to toy with members as if it is a game.
So what have we learned?
- If you beg enough and kiss some serious bux.to butt you will be paid. No matter where you are at on the payout date.
- Bux.to mods and staff continue to lie
- Petitions are a great tool to try and stall members
- You know things are bad when staff members have to start a petition to get their boss to pay it's members.
- Anonymous said...
Poor Spidey, you need a PHYSIATRIC CONSULTATION, don't lie anymore, you are the only one who believe your own lies, we all know you are a big liar and of course you can push the payments, you already did it one time with Vito and now we all know that all those errors from new staff that you post trying to convince us was another lie from you, you push others payments there is no such erros. LIAR
- March 15, 2009 at 9:58 PM
- Anonymous said...
Wow, that is such bullshit. I remember edwardy before I was BANNED just like hundreds of others who just wanted answers, but got the ban hammer instead, and yes I do agree that NO ONE, should be put ahead of another. Edwardy's payment alone will cripple bux.to and wont leave any money for the rest of us because by now we ALL should know that they are running very short on money since people are not buying any refs and prem. upgrades anymore.
Bux.to is all full of lies anyways, I know they know so much information, alot of which is probably bad news for us members, but most of the time, they choose not to disclose it or make up some bullshit excuse to cover it up.
Thank god I'm gone from that forum, spending one more minute in there with some of those senseless mods and admins would make me scream right now. - March 15, 2009 at 11:21 PM
- Anonymous said...
Also I like to add, in the past weeks, whoever made a negative comment or remark about bux.to in their forum, AMC will link to a review site ptc guardian and force members to read it.
At the beginning bux.to praised uronlinebiz review site just b/c they were releasing nice comments about them and when they started to publish the truth, they labeled them as an unreliable review. AMC or other mods again dont say this site has become an unreliable review. If you says so, there is really something wrong with you peoples.
I dont really care about these reviews, please pay me my money. Waiting almost 1 year for $1250. please pay me or close the site. - March 16, 2009 at 1:56 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Thank You for the info. I didn't realize PTC Guardian finally came through and saw bux.to for what it is.
- March 16, 2009 at 3:54 PM
- Anonymous said...
Customer goes to a company (forum) and ask : When will I receive my payment? it's been more than 1 year.
Company staff (SPIDERWOMAN) : It comes, when it comes. Not a second before or a second later.
ahahahah - March 17, 2009 at 2:40 PM
- Anonymous said...
hahahaaha. spiderowman proves it again. The topic is written in a very decent way and and yet spiderwoman abuses her moderating power
http://buxbb.com/index.php?showtopic=50464 - March 18, 2009 at 6:07 PM
- Anonymous said...
WOW WOW WOW... ptcguardian owner/reviewer "phil" responds to the SPIDERWOMAN post in sux.to forum. cant believe this http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=51347&view=findpost&p=466833
- March 18, 2009 at 6:31 PM
- Anonymous said...
Updated review . Title : Bux.to is scam. http://www.ptcguardian.com/Buxto2Review.htm
- March 20, 2009 at 4:32 AM
- Anonymous said...
What the hell they are doing? Editing all the complaints from members and making it look nicer for the newbies to fall into their scam. Look at how all the complaint posts are being edited lately. This is scam at it's best. "Edited following forum stipulations" message on all the complaints. http://buxbb.com/index.php?showtopic=51288&st=60 . I'm shocked seeing this. Isn't there someone to stop this rubbish brainwashing of new members?
- March 20, 2009 at 5:10 AM
- Anonymous said...
Dont believe in sux.to they are scam. I've contacted theplanet myself about their server and look what they replied. click this link for the screenshot http://img23.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rackm.jpg
- March 20, 2009 at 6:22 AM
- Anonymous said...
How is that Spiderwoman is the only admin there with direct contact with owners and Debbie? SW could be the owner or one of the owners.
Debbie could be her too. Look at all the responses from Debbie and you will notice that her replies are very short.
Spiderwoman is not stupid, and if she is Debbie, she will not write much, because she knows that we will recognize her grammar.
This theory makes sense right?
And what about Tri? Trinity?, which is another nickname used before and by Splinterwoman long time ago in other forums. And we all know that Splinterwoman is SPIDERWOMAN.
Keep your eyes wide open!
Debbie aka support= lol?
What a joke! Lies flying around that forum.
This is the most popular response of the robotics Debbie:
very pleased to read your comment. For all unbelievers, Bux.to is paying.
Have a wonderful day!
Note: Members of Bux.to have been waiting for payments since January 08' and the only logical answer to this is:
PLAIN & SIMPLE - March 20, 2009 at 2:16 PM
- Anonymous said...
UR information on "The Longest Wait For A Bux.to Payout" on your blog is misleading.. The longest wait is not from 17 january 2008. It is from November 2007. check this http://buxbb.com/index.php?showtopic=48997
- March 20, 2009 at 5:25 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Thank you for the info! I am contacting that member now to see if he has received his payout, and if he is a standard or premium. He has not posted in the forum since January. I also sent him the link to the petition.
- March 20, 2009 at 6:22 PM
- Anonymous said...
Yep. They're at it again. Locking threads and moving threads to the less visited Feedback Forum. Success Stories are once again being censored.
I'm also now noticing that the Graveyard forum is now a Protected Forum even for registered users. - March 20, 2009 at 7:51 PM
- Anonymous said...
".....When Vito was asked outside of the bux.to forum, how he got paid ahead of others who requested their payments before him, he replied:
“Its simple, spidey sent me a PM asking for my username, payoneer email. then after 2 weeks they paid me. that's it. no more, no less guys.” ....."
THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO NICKI AS WELL. She exchangd PM with spiderwoman and spiderwoman asked for her username and alertpay email and yet nicki acts as if she knows nothing about how he/she got paid via alertpay.
Shame shame!!
hmm... Ever wondered how Edwardy changed his forum name to "vitocorleone" right after he got his payment ?
Ever wondered how Nicki changed her forum name just before she got her payment? because she know she was going to get paid.
See this for yourself how she asks spiderwoman to remove her success story thread from "surf ads" page http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=51487&view=findpost&p=467288
This is very unfair to everyone. There are peoples waiting since January and I am waiting since february for my payment and yet peoples from April are getting paid. I've invested over $1500 in bux.to and that's the worst investment I ever made in my life. :-( - March 21, 2009 at 5:42 AM