Lie To Me...
Monday, April 13, 2009OK, This is not about the hit show "Lie To Me". But I feel that bux.to knows a few things when it comes to telling lies.
Previously me and some other members have done some researching on bux.to's so called "Success Stories" that is posted on their front page. Since none of these success stories can be found on the forum, we all knew something wasn't quite right with these stories.
The one that I found to be the most despicable was the PeteSussex.com success story. This person's success story had links at the bottom of their entry. One of these links are to this site www.PeteSussex.com. If you do a Whois on this site you will see that it is a bux.to owned site, that is being used to lure in new members and giving them the impression the bux.to is paying.
Following this ad, bux.to announced that they will be offering the bux.to card to everyone. Standard and Premiums. Of course there is a fee involved.
In the card's announcement they gave a link where you can sign up for the card. Which miraculously the link/site is not working at this time. It could be a site issue, or maybe it was due to all the questioning from members on the forum. We shall see, if that is the case.
When you do a whois on the www.YourBuxCard.com and PeteSussex.com <--(the link from the success story) the info that comes up is very interesting. True, that a lot of it is blocked and has a guard on it, but you still can see that these two sites are linked. Here is the sites side by side:
Notice the dates. Both created only days apart. And same registration service. Now look at this next screen shot of a Trace Route. This time bux.to and Petesussex.com

Is all of this just coincidental? Maybe, but I would highly doubt it since bux.to has used up all of the "it's just a coincidence" cards. Also, these so called coincidences are popping up more and more everyday.
Still not convinced? Another discovery was made today. Of course, staff was quick to run to it and respond by saying it was just another theory and it is all made up.
On another site ( http://www.robtex.com ) you search for yourbuxcard.com and you get these results: http://www.robtex.com/dns/yourbuxcard.com.html

Anything look familiar? Look at the gmail address. djw sales? David John Withers perhaps? Another coincidence? Do I dare say what the staff at bux.to say? Let me show you what they are saying about this.
Really? Are you that stupid? Click on that link, and click on "Contact. Completely different? I don't think so. Nice try Blunderwoman. It is obvious that you will go to any means to defend these people. You are aiding an abetting a crime by covering up for your boss. If there actually is one! In my view you should be held accountable.

The only domain that wont load is bux.to's pathetic web page for the card. You know, the scheme to get bux.to members to send in their hard earned cash. The same one that bux.to staff was spamming the board with? If there ever was anything that didn't belong on the forum it should have been those posts. Seems like bux.to can't follow their own TOS, in the forum or on their main site. And don't lie, it was a staff member that was spamming the forum to sign up for the card. We all know it. When we reported it, our post was deleted.
LMAO!! Oh God!... Please, that was too funny. The initials are DJW, not DJWS! Domain Joint Worldwide Sales? That isn't even in Google search! However, David John Withers is!
Spider you can try and dodge this all you want. But it is only making you look like a bigger fool than what you are now. Stop now. You are digging yourself a deeper grave by all of this foolishness.
I could go on and post their other replies, but ther is nothing to post. Staff change the subject and then quickly point to their beloved TOS (which they can't even follow) and say for everyone to contact them via PM if they have a problem. Which means...they don't want everyone to see this. They want this all behind doors and away from new members eyes.
If you don't think bux.to is a scam by now, then I don't know what to tell you. I will continue to keep tabs on bux.to until the law catches up to them, or till they pay EVERYONE. New and old. But, that will never happen.
Belive it or not, there are members out there that will defend bux.to, even now. Take this person's post:

Since the thread was locked, I will respond here.
NKH, why are we here? It is simple. We are there to warn other members. If you don't like it, don't read it! We have paid our dues just like you did. Meaning both you and I paid for this bandwidth with our premium dues and purchases. We have just as the same right as you do. You might not like it, and you can call us crybabies and so forth. I am sure some of us "crybabies" have a few choiced words and names to call you. However, I will not stoop to that level. Because I know, you have just as much right to express how you feel as I do.
Members like NKH are now frustrated because they don't understand why so many of us are upset with bux.to. They don't know half of what we know, and they are mislead and lied to constantly.
Nowdays when I sign in on bux.to, I see the signs of lies everywhere. From their home pages, to their ads, our refs, the bux.to card, and to the forum. Bux.to is nothing more than a great big LIE. Stay tuned for your next episode of "Lie To Me" brought to you by bux.to....
- Anonymous said...
Yesterday I can't believe the power trip Spiderwoman and AMC were in. Spiderwoman gave a warning to nyjilk, I guess. Spiderwoman and AMC having scammed millions of dollars of peoples money aren't ashamed of themselves and have a face to show and continue to enjoy their power trip. Gosh I cannot believe this. Spiderwoman and AMC : only one question I've for you, aren't you ashamed of yourself? Also I notice whenever we see a spiderwoman post, we also see another one. guess what? it's amc. And after scamming millions of dollars from members, I just can't believe the power trip they are in... Look at their funny games http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=52317&view=findpost&p=473725
- April 14, 2009 at 5:49 AM
- Anonymous said...
Did you saw what the hell happened in sux.to forum today? Moderator have accused almost every member of "lying" and locked at least 15 topics and continue to scam members and top of that alex_support keep posting "what is your problem, just go away if you're not happy". Sure Alex, so that you can lure money from unsuspected victims. Not falling for that one. Guys, we've to do something now. The situation is out of hand and mods are acting like smart. I just can't believe what happened today in forum. This can't go on like this.. That's all I'd say..
- April 14, 2009 at 8:50 AM
- Anonymous said...
But why should we do anything? After all, our money is "none of our concern"...
http://buxbb.com/index.php?showtopic=52406&pid=474277&st=0&#entry474277 - April 14, 2009 at 12:04 PM
- Anonymous said...
I think SPiderwoman is one of the owners.
- April 15, 2009 at 8:35 AM
- Anonymous said...
Hello, I'd like the blog owner to make this as one of the entry in this blog about sux.to's RUBBISH customer support which I'm just going to reveal now.
Yesterday, there was a huge fued going on among members of bux.to and the staffs and staff were calling almost every member as "liars". Yeah right, liars.
Please give your full attention here for a while :
http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=52445&view=findpost&p=474241 . Here in this post, what Nattymoo basically saying (accusing) was that nyjil_kk have been posting Nattymoo's picture all over the forum, which is an utter lie. If you want go to that link and read the post again. It was "trying to intimidate ME by posting MY name and photo". Notice the "ME" and "MY" words.
And when the members were asking questions, the reply from Nattymoo changed to like this
What happend in reality was that nyjill_kk posted one nurse picture of spiderwoman a couple of days back And then what happend is nyjil_kk claimed that it was the picture that was volunatirly posted by spiderwoman and he was just re-posting it for a topic and not to threaten or blackmail them. This is true and I'll show you the proof. (nyjil's claim can be seen here http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=52445&view=findpost&p=474263 )
http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=51489&view=findpost&p=467935 . Notice who posted that? Not hugo, open your eyes wider, it was Spiderwoman posted that picture JUST A FEW DAYS BACK in BUXTO FORUM.
And then spiderwoman claims that nyjill_kk is a "DOUBLE FACED BOY" so as nattymoo (who first claimed that he was posting "me" "my" pic all over the forum)
I'd like to ask the blog owner to take screen shot of all these because I'm pretty sure they will delete soon after reading this post of me.
Spiderwoman, you and your team have scammed millions and millons of peoples hard earned money and you aren't ashamed for doing all these? I'm simply amazed of your's and amc's RUBBISH customer support. - April 15, 2009 at 9:06 AM
- Anonymous said...
http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=52522&view=findpost&p=474790 . I'd like to comment on the lower of your post spiderwoman.
In the above link you claimed and I quote "........And look how Guitar compares the staff and goes away with it without getting the final warning, for offending the complete staff (except for Nick, until he also hates him... it happens like this, the more you are in forum, the faster they hate you)........."
I'd like to make this perfectly clear to you that peoples (or at least me) Hate you and AMC only because you both give a RUBBISH customer support. Not because you spend more time in the forum. Everyone know that and don't pretend and act different in the public eyes. - April 15, 2009 at 11:10 AM
- Anonymous said...
They are liers and thieves and the moderators are on powertrips that I have never seen to this degree, they are supporting a scammer and robbing thousands of dollars from ppl daily, I mean they have made it near impossible for new members to sign up to the forum they now need and authority check, the success stories that can be seen on the main page have been tampered with, only yesterday I saw a member complain that their success story comment was altered, all I can say is shame on you scammers shame shame you are worst than shit under my shoe.
- April 15, 2009 at 1:54 PM
- Anonymous said...
Lately our beloved sux.to mods are censoring and banning members for writing with hidden thingy for example, "***".
Don't make me laugh. Read their own forum rules. The last line says "Be smart, but don't be a smart a**." - April 16, 2009 at 6:59 AM
- Anonymous said...
Two members claimed today that they were paid in within 24 hours.
I just cant wait to hear how the staff is going to lie about this one iff they are real payments. - April 16, 2009 at 8:36 AM
- Anonymous said...
What happened to the Spiderwoman's promise of paying for 10,000 visits for Phil. http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/6872/rolleyes.gif
- April 16, 2009 at 9:15 AM
- Anonymous said...
Rando has been banned. Shocking. And that too for no reason. They are continue their banning game and scamming members.
- April 16, 2009 at 1:29 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Rando was banned because he told AMC to stop spreading lies.
She claims that TakingNames was the one that was spreading the info about David Withers.
When in fact it was Rando who was banned for revealing David Withers.
Funny how that escapes their memory.
It was easy for them to debunk David Withers info because TakingNames was a scammer as well. Which AMC has no problems with associating with such persons.
So, would it be easier to attack this finding if you had rando around or if you had TakingNames?
I think the answer is clear, especially after today. - April 16, 2009 at 1:35 PM
- Anonymous said...
Spiderwoman, it's now clear that you're the owner of bux.to. Please pay us. I requested on May 15, 08.
- April 16, 2009 at 1:37 PM
- Anonymous said...
To TaichouInKei : In this post, http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=52577&view=findpost&p=475824 , and one of the post of AMC, you claim that the success story has been censored because for the OP .
Don't make me laugh... Tell me honestly... At least once in your life time be honest to my question : Do you peoples care that much for the op's success story . Honestly I mean, "the op is sharing his success story so you censor other post". Is this the only reason you censor?
Do you have that much care for the members (op, in this case)? If your answer is yes, I simply amazed and surprised at this point. Are you saying that you're not editing the success story for making it nice for the newbies and false advertise in surf ads page and only because for the OP (because you care about them)? I'm shocked - April 17, 2009 at 2:37 PM
- Anonymous said...
YourBuxCard.com is now a proud member of the "Marketing Staff". Bux is paying! OH BOY!!!
I wonder who's ass they pulled "Marketing Staff" out of. - April 17, 2009 at 4:23 PM
- The Bux.to Lookouts said...
Hi, I decided to open up a blog like you. Enjoy http://thebuxtolookouts.blogspot.com
- April 17, 2009 at 9:11 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Welcome to the fight. Will add you to our blog list. Thanks for the link.
- April 17, 2009 at 9:25 PM
- Anonymous said...
Nice research and computer skills there bro.. I knew bux.to was a scam all along since I read from many that say bux.to advertise their own products instead of advertising real sites. Keep on researching bro!
- July 16, 2009 at 11:06 AM