A Zebra Cannot Change Its Stripes...
Thursday, March 26, 2009An announcement was made today at bux.to's main site.
"Minimum Cashout for Standard Members"
After reading the update, I knew right away what bux.to was up to. Members on the forum seem to be excited by the news. Thinking that this will speed up the payouts and that they will receive their payouts quicker because of this.
Do not be fooled by this. This is another way for them to stall and get more premium upgrades. If you think this is a way to stop auto clickers, think again.
Bux.to has no intentions of paying everyone. From their announcement they have made that clear. Here is the break down of their announcment:
Minimum Cashout for Standard MembersEveryone is aware that Bux.to has been taking steps over the past few months to remove cheaters. This is an ongoing process and further changes are likely to be brought in.
This could have been done months ago! Youtube is littered with auto clickers. Do you think that by changing the minimum payout from $10 to $50 this will remove cheaters? Auto clickers make way more than this. Just view one of many youtube videos out there...
This is a notice to inform members that we intend, in the next few days, to lift the minimum cashout level for standard members from the original $10 to $50.
It is our belief that with the increase in the number of advertisements available to click, reaching this minimum amount is achievable in a relatively short time. Existing cashout requests of below $50 will be cancelled. If you have sufficient money in your balance, you are welcomed to request again. Given the backlog in payments, most of those affected should have already reached the new minimum and will be able to request again immediately.
Wow. Giving standards the boot. Way to go bux.to! Now you plan to void any standard member payout that is under $50? Just another way telling people that you do not plan to pay them.
Also, you are saying there is going to be a increase in advertisements? Are you serious? Did you mean self made advertisements? You know the ones with David Withers name at the bottom.
I wonder how you come to this conclusion that your advertisements will increase. Only a PTC site that uses their own advertisements to boost their adverisement numbers would know that.
The purpose of this action is solely aimed at cheaters, because through our audit process, we realize that close to 70% of those with $10 requests are cheaters and we strongly believe that this will help us to shorten the backlog queue.
Well if you would have gone through and implemented the new script that Alt3rn4ativ3 made you wouldn't have to stoop this low.
And where is this so called queue you talk about? Where!!? Because you are not paying according to your "queue". We all know you pick and choose your payouts carefully. From the recent payouts, it is obvious that staff have full control over who gets paid.
If you you were so worried about paying cheaters, you would have done this months ago! Saying that the payout backlog is now due to cheaters is absurd! First it was Paypal. Then it was AP. After that it was DDos Attacks, and now you are pointing the finger at cheaters? Oh please you knew this was a problem from the get go. Yet, you did nothing about it. Youtube is littered with cheats, hackers and autoclickers, and you stood by and did nothing. Now all the sudden you care?
The TOS will be amended to reflect this change.
Bux.to continues to pay trusted members and will continue to do so
More ads. More money for clicks. Become a premium member today!
March 26, 2009
And the last line says it all. "Become a premium member today!" Gee thanks for pushing that on us. It really says a lot.
Folks, if you can't see what they are doing, then I dont' know what to say. This another ploy "cooked up straight from the bux.to kitchen". Do not be fooled by this annoucement. They just found a way to buy more time and to draw in more potetnial income from premium sign ups.
If you think your refs are going to come alive from the upcoming growing numbers of advertisements and return to their clicking, think again.
If you think this is going to speed up payments, think again.
If you think this is going to stop autoclickers, think again.
Bux.to is a scam an nothing more. They pick and choose their payouts to suit their needs to keep this scam going. No matter how you try to dress this up, bux.to can never change what it is, a ponzie scheme. You can not change a Zebra's stripes no matter how hard you try.
A ponzie is a ponzie.
- Anonymous said...
On November 2008, I started a thread in their forum asking them to stop paying standard members and focus only on premium members. (like IsabelMarco did)
Here is what AMC replied me : Bux.to pays all its members, they do not SCAM standard members. (unfortuantely, i don't have proof for this as it was in old backup)
Again now what happened? Now they scammed standard members!!! - March 27, 2009 at 4:49 AM
- Anonymous said...
Well bux.to staffs should be in history book for the worst customer service ever.
If I ever asked to rate the worst customer service in the world, I'd rate them as follows.
1. AMC
3. Tri
Tri is famous for "you dont like it? leave™ " kind of support.
But, still I'll rate AMC at the top. I've seen several posts of him/her which are arrogant and childish. He/she would fight back at members, if they say something . (the basic thing which not do be practiced when dealing with customers) and then if he/she sees someone expressing a different opinion to any SPIDERWOMAN's posts in particular, he/she would go there, put her 2 cents in, (ban that member, if possible) following a "Question answered, thread closed™ " post. Countless times this has happened. He/she has no quality and eligibility to be a staff. Arrogant, no politeness at all when giving answers, egoish, etc..
I've worked in customer support throughout my life, and never saw such a worst service anywhere. If my boss see such a service given to his customers, he will fire them instantly. I'm going to make my boss register at their forum one day, and ask him to watch their posts, just for the fun of it. He will laugh at them.
I bet surely, bux.to staffs will go in history book one day, no doubt about that. - March 27, 2009 at 8:17 AM
- Anonymous said...
As I read this article, I think of the standard member(s) who did not purchase any referrals and reached a $10 balance clicking ads for weeks/months himself.
Now, if such a member cashed out that $10 within the past year, that request will be canceled and that member is pretty much considered a cheater according to bux.to "belief". - March 27, 2009 at 1:35 PM
- Anonymous said...
I agree 100% with the poster that wrote about AMC's customer support. Having worked over a decade in customer care, I know what he is talking about.
- March 27, 2009 at 4:11 PM
- Anonymous said...
AMC (formerly amcamc) was always the same way even before she became a mod. Actively and aggressively defending bux.to. I remember especially when she had a few bouts with the PTC Talk mods and admins when bux.to got removed from the top 10 list. Boy they really ruffled her feathers there. lol
I was actually surprised buxbb made her a mod and gave her the power to warn and ban. Not because she defends bux. But because of the way she tends to push members' buttons to a point until they finally say or do something that gets them banned. - March 27, 2009 at 7:22 PM
- Spidey Loves Herself Some Porn said...
one of the biggest sux.to complainers, chrissie got paid now. although she deserves it, it seems unfair for the rest of the members who were waiting much longer than her, she requested only last june. guess spideycunt got tired listening of her complaints and criticism on suxforum everyday. as for amc, you guys should cut her some slack, shes around 60 years old or more, in few years she will need some adult diapers for her whiny arrogant ass. dont bother with her too much but with filthy-mouthed spidycunt
- March 28, 2009 at 7:39 AM
- Anonymous said...
If AMC would shut her mouth, I'd give her some slack. No matter how old she is and what condition she's in.
As for Scammerwoman. Well, she'll be gone for a little while. Moving somewhere. Forgot where. - March 28, 2009 at 7:21 PM
- Anonymous said...
NEW AND SHOCKING NEWS : AMC says she is only in the age of 20's in sux.to forum. Link http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=51662&view=findpost&p=469150 . If I recall well, she said she was 60 years old in more than one occasion
- March 29, 2009 at 4:37 AM
- AMC (formerly amcamc) was always the same way even before she became a mod. Actively and aggressively defending bux.to. I remember especially when she had a few bouts with the PTC Talk mods and admins when bux.to got removed from the top 10 list. Boy they really ruffled her feathers there. lol I was actually surprised buxbb made her a mod and gave her the power to warn and ban. Not because she defends bux. But because of the way she tends to push members' buttons to a point until they finally say or do something that gets them banned. March 27, 2009 7:22 PM Anonymous Spidey Loves Herself Some Porn said...
there seems to be a little movement on the payment queque with them paying 2 or 3 people, methinks the word INTERPOL has scared them a tad bit. good job sux.to!!! NOT!!!
- March 29, 2009 at 9:04 AM
- Anonymous said...
ok having read and seen all these blogs and videos, if someone still not convinced that bux.to is scam, see this for yourself "with your very own eyes" . READ THE THREAD TITLE, AND THEN TREAD CONTENT http://buxbb.com/index.php?showtopic=48537
- March 29, 2009 at 1:38 PM
- Anonymous said...
Whenever a member ask them if they can cancel their pending payment and request a new (big) one or use it for advertising, the answer from bux.to and their staffs : Hell no, it is not possible with the current script, it's only possible with the wonderful script.
Now, how the hell is it became possible to cancel all the pending payment of standard member? Just like TOS adjusted to suit the need, the script too? Weired! - March 29, 2009 at 4:04 PM