Bux.to, Stop Bull Shitting Us!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009Bull Shit!! Opps! Sorry I didn't mean to use profanity. OK, so I did, but that is what bux.to is doing. Has anyone looked at the success stories lately? I hope these new sign ups do not believe this crap! Because that is exactly what it is.
Bux.to has been posting success stories on the front page of their site. Anything running from:
"Shocked this morning 84 ads!!"
"received $948 last night".
What is so odd about these are the payment success stories are nowhere to be found on the forum. A little odd isn't it? After this was brought up, the next payment success story was sure to have a explanation for it.
"PS: Unable to post in the forum. Patiently waiting to be accepted."Wow, you would think they would accept this person. It isn't hard to accept a user on a forum Anyone that runs a forum knows this. So if this person was a real person, I am sure bux.to would have let them in the forum to post their story. That is IF they are real. Bux.to knows that success stories are looked at, due to many being pointed out as being fake and so forth. Which those threads magically disappear after it is pointed out. For instance this one, which it was posted on the Hispanol Forum, and someone alerted this to me that it was fake. Since bux.to's alertpay email address was fake in the screen shot. It was being advertised in their daily self advertisemnts. And they quickly took it down.

Yes, bux.to will do anything to make the public think that their money is safe and well spent when they sign up for bux.to.
The past two payment success stories that are posted on their front page has their referral links posted in the story. One of them is 0101010101 I find that to be funny if not very odd. Looks like a last minute made up user. Of course I could be wrong. I am sure there are some people who would create such a name. But I doubt that this one is legit. From what we know about this particular success story it does not look like this is a real user. The person is not registered on the forum. This success story isn't posted on the forum either. And now in their success story they are posting their referral link. Why? Is this what they are getting for in exchange for their stories? Is bux.to saying- you give me a success story, I will give you refs?
The person that made the last success story did the same. A unknown user, that is not posting his success story on the forum, and he has his referral link showing on his "advertised" link to his site in the success story. His site www.PeteSussex.com is a iframe of bux.to. One mod said the links on this site changes and are not bux.to's links. Particularly the ones that require your credit card and financial info. Be careful, do not sign up on PTC sites that are iframed.

This person, PeteSussex, was paid that night and his website went up the next morning. Bux.to had his story posted on the main page before noon. Does any of this sound suspicious to you? Here is the registration for this PeteSussex.com site
Domain name: petesussex.com
Registrant Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected ()
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 - 732
Westchester, CA 90045
Administrative Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected (67f788f9ab60499597c6519069c8d63c.protect@whoisguard.com)
Fax: +1.6613102107
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 - 732
Westchester, CA 90045
Technical Contact:
Fax: +1.6613102107
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 - 732
Westchester, CA 90045
Status: Locked
Name Servers:
Creation date: 05 Apr 2009 09:23:29
Expiration date: 05 Apr 2010 09:23:29
If you suspect a site of causing harm to your customer, wouldn't you have removed it? However, the site is still up after one week. I guess a person's security isn't bux.to's main concern, even though they are advertising for someone who is scamming people.
Spiderwoman claims these things take time. I wonder if she has seen the new tv show "Lie to Me". Because she obviously thinks she can get away with lying to us. If you look at the last shot I gave you, there are other stories that have been posted on the main page after Pete's story. Anyone that owns a site or a forum knows that when you go in make changes to a certain area, you can edit previous entries. Yet, spiderwoman and her crew would like to have us believe that they have not had the time to remove this story. Ha!! Please, don't make me laugh.
Which now brings me to our most recent announcement from the main site.
Bux.to is making the Bux.to card, previously only available to Premium Members, available to ALL members.
A new package is being introduced, which will offer the Bux.to card to all members.
As a result, the Premium membership package will cease to offer the card. Existing Premium member's position, with regard to a card, remains unchanged.
The Premium membership package now brings the opportunity to click on around 40 advertisements per day and remains a fantastic investment.
Visit www.YourBuxCard.com to find out more about this exciting package, available all over the globe to all members!
Published Saturday, April 11,2009 MDT 12:26 AM

Speaking of the card, I just got back from the forum...it seems like there was a user by the name of YourBuxCard.com that is spamming the forum and telling users to go and sign up and get the card. This is the message that they are posting throughout the forum:
great stories! It's a pleasure to read. Bux.to keeps paying. For all unbelievers, click here!
YourBuxCard.com - Get your Prepaid MasterCard® Now!
Best Regards,
Well would you look at that. Then guess who comes right after this person has posted? Alex Support. Does he ban or warn this member? Nope!

So if this was anyone of us that did this, do you think we would get away with such a thing? This user name was made today. Only a day after the announcement for the card. They claim that it takes time to approve people to get into the forum. Yet, within a day or less they are able to approve YourBuxCard.com?? What the hell is going on here!! Bux.to, your excuse for the success stories is that they are "patiently waiting to get in the forum". But you have the audacity of approving a person in one day? And you let them spam the forum!! ?? No warnings or punishment? Why? Because this is clearly a bux.to staff member who is doing this. Your little scheme wont work with me. I now know the success stories are staged.
Someone also pointed out that the PeteSussex.com and the YourBuxCard.com are very similar. I will let you decide.

So what do I think about all the so called wonderful news and announcements on the front page? It is nothing but a bunch of B.S. They are tactics to lure in new members and to steal their money. Period! Do not be fooled by bux.to and their B.S.

- Anonymous said...
LOL a couple of days ago a member on the forum said, "Today I have been officially scammed". alex support came in, locked the thread, and told the user to "stop spreading lies". He then verbally warned the user.
hahahahahaha this is the same alex support who sent e-mail responses at least up until this past December saying, "Your payment is in a queue and it is paid by first come first served basis". Payments have been going up and down and back up the calendar since at least July of last year. - April 12, 2009 at 10:11 PM
- Anonymous said...
I can now confirm you that Alex_support have a part in the ownership.
Not just because of this Natty's post http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=52174&view=findpost&p=472934 (the lower part of the post, where he did not mentioned alex_support name), I have collected enough evidence and I'll provide you with that evidence a bit later. - April 13, 2009 at 7:52 AM