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Friday, May 15, 2009

Well it looks like hired some new forum staff members. Or so they would like you to believe.

This has to be one of the most silliest changes that I have seen come out of Do they really think they can fool us? Really? Come on! I thought you guys were smarter than that! You are not fooling anyone with this.

The names may have changed, but the game is the same. Close down threads left and right, get rid of old members, and lie and cheat like hell!

These bozos think that by changing their screen name no one will know who they are or reconize them? People are creatures of habit, and eventually we all show our true colors sooner or later. It is obvious that

AMC=Forum Staff

Spiderwoman=Forum Admin.

Like I said people are creatures of habit, and I am sure it is REALLY hard for these two to change these habbits. Already, we are seeing these habits coming back to life.

Their "tone" that they use toward everyone, it is the same. Here is AMC's post from only days ago. She seems to take offense when people say she is a robot.

And now for the icing on the cake....

Yeah...HA HA...talking to yourself is the first sign of mental illness you know...Which also brings me to another question. Their were 2 new staff members. Right? Where the hell has been Forum Admin?? They have been quiet lately. Spider was away, and posts today...And Forum Admin has been away as well. And now Forum Admin is back!? Wow! How do you guys do that? It is like you are one person! Oh wait, you are one person. Duh!!

And when you thought it couldn't get any worse, looks like has another contest/promotion. YES, ANOTHER! A new site has popped up trying to get members to spread the word about and how you can trust with your money. They are calling it . - Spread The Word

Again, these filthy people trying to beat it down our throats that is a honest company and can be trusted with your investment. The same morons that told us older members it was our fault for investing into Especially since it is not a sure thing and that your money could be lost if you invest through them.

Funny how they are now comming out with this promotion.

Do you have your own website?
Are you good at Blogging, use Twitter or Facebook?
Or show off your skills on YouTube?

Originality is not's key strengths. They always rip off people and their ideas. Like the script that currently uses. And now this? They can't even pay their members, yet they have the gull to open up contests and promise to pay those who spread lies about . This is the same company that can't even pay one of their own staff. If I remember correctly in the thousands. Like $10,000 big ones, and I am sure that amount has gone up. Yet they can't afford to pay us, but they can afford to pay new members (who have low payouts) and contest winners?

Then what does all of this say about Maybe our little group is in fact a threat to you and you are indeed afraid of the truth getting out.

So the battle begins. Good against evil, and truth over lies. Let the games begin...

A little something from the ads running at neobux, just shows you don't mess with people and their money.


Anonymous said...

Wow this proves how low these peoples are..

Btw, are the mentally unstable? LOL. TFF... Nice try though.. but none getting fooled..

Anonymous said...

Wow, how low can one go.. Dirty scammers.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwww. They don't like when we call them robots? Well maybe they should stop saying things like " keeps paying honest members!" before all the honest members are paid.

ALL of them!!!

Stop paying members within a couple of weeks before members who requested more than a year ago!!!


Anonymous said...

Trying to hide the very mentally retarded, does not seem to know that Interpol can not hide ... and they are blowing in the nape of these crooks and bastards of the Spanish branch of his forum.

Bob said...

Gotta hand it to you, this is the most informative blog I have read and makes you wonder how they can stay in business. They appear to have no shame or morals at all.

Keep up the fantastic work.

Anonymous said...

pathetic, really they are the lowest form of life

Anonymous said...

I need to add that I love that neo bux is showing the ads and bux called them as scam site totally laughable.

Anonymous said...

These two nasty mods should be put in jail and make peoples to spit on their faces..

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