Saturday, March 28, 2009Hurray!! Bux.to is paying again!!! Or are they?....
Seems like bux.to has paid a few members lately. You can view the recent payouts from their main site.
The payouts is not what interest me, rather than who was it that was paid? And it is a shocker!
As many probably know by now. there is group of people on the bux.to forum that are known as the bagheads. Their main objective is to get bux.to to pay their members. All of them. By doing this many of us have complained day after day. Open blogs, create videos, and whatever other resources that we can use to make these scammers pay. Our tactics have been questioned by many members and staff, yet we continued to fight for what is rightfully ours. There are many who take the quiet route, and wait patiently to get paid. Click every day, and praise bux.to. Unfortunately, they still go unpaid.
Now it seems that complaining does actually work. Fight fire with fire, as I would say.
So who was it that was paid? Was it a normal member? A member who does everything that bux.to tells them to do? Well it doesn't look that way and here they are:
The first one was braveheart, a known baghead complainer.
Then these three soon after, Chrissyshack, Pigfat, and now me. Yes, that's right, ME. The so called "personal attacker". And trust me, they know who I am. I have been in contact with staff members so they know everthing about me.
On top of that bux.to Moderators rush to say that complaining didn't get us paid. Really? Are you serious? What a blatant lie!
I decided to do some checking into things...a couple of months ago I opened up a ticket in regards to my payout showing sent and not received. So I thought since I was paid, they figured it out and the ticket was closed. Right? Well it seems that isn't the case. As of today 03/29/2009:

So if I was not paid because of these blogs and videos, then why is my ticket showing "Waiting For Solution"?
Just shows that bux.to staff will say anything and everything to keep the scam going. All you have to do is look at TaichouInkei reply, and it just goes to show you that they are liars and they like to threaten forum members. TaichouInkei knows the reason why we were paid. And I didn't ask to be paid because of who I was. Believe me I wouldn't be doing this for a $40 payout.
So now we have to ask ourselves this. Is this hush money? Lets recap what we have learned here.
- The three of us were paid within days apart if not on the same day
- We are known complainers/bagheads
- All with different payout request dates.
- My ticket is still open and waiting for a solution.
Now I have another question for you. Why go to this extent of paying only these members, if you were planning on paying everyone when it is all said and done? Or is it that you were not planning to pay everyone? Explains why members in the Bux.to Spanish Forum has seen a increase in payouts. Since many of spiders friends are there. And spider still clings to the notion that she has no control over payouts. We both know that is another lie. Since she had Edwardy's payment pushed through.
Yup, that's right they have control over payouts. As we now can see. Don't believe what they tell you. They will do anything and everything to keep this scheme going. Just look at the canceling of standard payouts, and the mysterious resurrection of dead refs.
Members are now claiming that their refs have started clicking. Refs that have died last summer. Yet they miraculously start clicking and all within days? How odd. I can tell by looking at the forum, that there is no way that members have come back to bux.to. Not in the numbers that we are seeing in referral clicks. Sounds like bux.to is playing with that on and off switch. These referrals are nothing but robots - "bots".
So we have to ask ourselves, why go to all these lengths to try and make it look like bux.to is legit? Did the Interpol thing scare them? Alt3rn4tiv3 has vanished from bux.to forum. Tri, refuses to show himself on the forum. Nattymoo has stopped posting all together. And don't get me started with the owners Debbie and George. They have been MIA a great deal of time. Which Interpol claims are fake names.
What we have now is a company scrapping the bottom of the pot. Looking for more ways to make money and how to scam more people out of their hard earn money.
- Cancel Standard members payouts under $50
- Get the members who had a canceled payout to sign up for premium membership
- pay a handful of people, mainly complainers and active members on forum to make it look like we are paying according to our TOS
- Turn on "bots" and get them to start clicking again, make others believe things are getting better and they will buy more refs -Just Brilliant-
- Anonymous said...
Yes! I found the legal way how to get bux.to shut down. this is a legal and legit way and not some lame attempt like you broke tos 30/60 days, endeavor blah blah blah blah blah..
bux.to Terms of service says.
"We reserve the right to restrict, alter, or modify fees, benefits, rules, regulations, special offers, membership terms and conditions or terminate services any time on one month's notice"
Again, read that for the second time.
Done? Good.
Now, they say the reserve right to alter or modify rules, regulations, benefits any time on "ONE MONTH'S NOTICE".
Now, look at what they did in their TOS. They altered the payment time like this
"Standard members can request a payment once they reached a minimum of $50 in their account balance."
The TOS has now been altered only in less than 1 week's time since the announcement, which is a CLEAR violation of their very own TOS and after consulting with several layers (by phone), I can confirm you that it's a legal and legit way to sue them. And they did not notify members via e-mail as well, however their TOS claim that they will change them on 1 month's notice. - March 30, 2009 at 9:01 AM
- Anonymous said...
Read the post of this member. I was really in tears reading what he wrote.
http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=51630&view=findpost&p=469609 - March 30, 2009 at 3:37 PM
- Anonymous said...
http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=49910&view=findpost&p=454430 Post no.29 amc
- March 31, 2009 at 4:55 AM
- Anonymous said...
So Mods and Admins are still saying that "everything will go back to normal and everybody will get paid". Ok so I have one question to the mods. Are they buying referrals at bux.to? They're so sure that everybody will be paid so, they should have purchased these special offers and should be purchasing referrals frequently. Are they? (or only making others to purchase?)
- March 31, 2009 at 11:34 AM
- Anonymous said...
The ads have disappeared simply because bux.to din't like when the "bux.to is scam" banner was displayed in their forum. Simple has that. Simple logic they are afraid of loosing newbies investment
- March 31, 2009 at 3:30 PM
- Anonymous said...
Did anyone noticed this? Go to buxbb.com and you'll see "Need Referrals? Get them here!
http://bux.to/sapscc.php" in the top, just under "
If you have trouble to see your history, please, use this link: http://www4.bux.to/history.php"
lololololol - April 1, 2009 at 11:08 AM
- Anonymous said...
I agree with the first person's comment, they violate their own TOS without one month notice change about the minimum payout.
WE HAVE TO SUE THEM! - April 1, 2009 at 2:07 PM
- Anonymous said...
I saw a thread " General Talk About Bux In General"
Are you crazy guys?
If you question them about "moving all the threads from General talk to Suggestion", they will stop moving threads for a while and start closing/locking it and make it burried in general talk itself.
If you question them about "locking the threads", they will stop locking it for a while and start moving it to suggestions and feedback section.
This has been happened over and over over and you guys still don't understand their tricks. LOLOLOLOLOL
I bet now they will stop moving for a while and start closing it. Watch guys! - April 3, 2009 at 5:39 AM
- The Flaming Bag said...
Bux.to has the nerve to advertise that bots are clicking like crazy. OMFG.
Bux.to has sunk to an all time low.
Spiderwoman is making sure that her Hispano forum is getting her favoritism at the moment.
Bux.to is still paying a random handful (or are they really random?) Hmmmmm?
Bux.to has the ability to pay who they want, when they want and only to help sell upgrades and referral packages. Don't do it. Spend the money on yourselves people. - April 3, 2009 at 1:21 PM
- Anonymous said...
Quote from spider : "Not everything that is being done, is being said."
quote from Dhelper : you said that right, the good, the bad, and the ugly......
TO SPIDER : You know full well what Dhelper was talking about. You were saying that not everything that is being done in "bux.to" is being said to members and Dhelper was saying yes, everything good, bad, ugly things about "bux.to"
So, there is no doubt why there are personal attacks
See this for yourself how she took this personally---- Quote from spider again : I don't know which one I am... the bad, or the ugly.
You are right guys. They are wantedly taking everything personal even knowing full well that the argument was about bux.to - April 3, 2009 at 2:13 PM
- Anonymous said...
Wow.... LOL bux.to is faking the payment proofs. I just saw an ad in bux.to surf ads page COULD YOU BELIEVE THIS? http://www4.bux.to/view.php?ad=84402
This is the actual link posted in hispano forum http://www.buxtohispano.com/index.php?topic=6749.0 . Now, see the Name/Email in the Alertpay screen shot. It will say Mail@bux.to. This is not the email address that bux.to uses for Alertpay. I can confirm you that. Bux.to uses members@bux.to to send the payment. And did you saw how that poster have only 1 post to his name?
WOW I can assure you that mail@bux.to is NOT bux.to's Alertpay email address nor they use it to send payments. OMG! And the screen shot is perfectly "photoshoped". WOW I am gonna report them to Alertpay now... - April 3, 2009 at 3:14 PM
- Anonymous said...
Told you that they'll stop moving the thread for a while and start locking it :) It's exactly what happened and yes, I also noticed that payment proof of $3456 or smth. It was faked. Clearly photoshoped and yes, I did check the email addresses in success stories and it was members@bux.to.
- April 4, 2009 at 1:28 PM
- Anonymous said...
Yes, the payment proof was faked. Did you noticed how quick they deleted that payment proof soon after I found it and commented here in this blog? Check that link haha
- April 4, 2009 at 1:31 PM
- Anonymous said...
Look at the general comments section of the forum, the thread asking about the mass audit.When accounts are audited why does Bux.to not just pay the members? Staff will not answer. Why? Because they won't answer a real question! The answer is plain and clear, they're not going to pay!
- April 4, 2009 at 9:02 PM
- Anonymous said...
Currently there are 44 ads available for premkium members.
That means bux.to should pay 44*$0.0125 = $0.55 and another $0.55 for his upline. Which means bux.to pays $1.10 per premium user everyday just for their own click.
Let me just explain it for people who dont understand it that well.
1. $300.00 Monthly Earnings / $5.00 Cashback Bonus purchase 100 referrals ($0.0125 for me and my upline)
2. bux.to si cumple 522 dolares success story ad ($0.0125 for me and my upline)
3. Refs are clicking like crazy ($0.0125 for me and my upline)
4. Whoa Ho Ho ! Received My Second Payment., Bux.to does it again ! ($0.0125 for a broken link for me and my upline)
5. 15 Un-Referred Bux.to Members $16.98 ($0.0125 for me and my upline)
6. Limited! 500 un-referred members! ($0.0125 for me and my upline)
And rest are all the referral link of bux.to for clickbank products
what angers me the most is they say they have money from their members and advertisers... correct?
Now the major flaw with promoting a clickbank referral link masking it as a real advertiser is that members will click the ad, but there is NO guarantee that members will purchase their fake ads and bux.to will make ANY money in return. Therefore, there whole technique is one huge GAMBLE and is not even guaranteed to make them a small money back from this affiliate programs in order to pay this huge millions and millions of dollars they are owing to their members.
Not to mention that bux.to already agrees to take a loss whenever a real advertiser pays of it.
And no, I'll not talk about them paying for direct referral clicks by just self sponsoring 44 ads a day.
Do you see how what they are doing is a HUGE risk and GAMBLE... and right now I think it is showing because we all have delayed payments, way way overdue payment of 15 months, and its starting to be more clear now that they have no money and are desperate for cash.
The reason we are not being paid ontime is because of the complete lack of money they produce!
I am sorry to be so harsh but if you believe when Spiderwoman and AMC says "everybody will get paid and that this place will go back to 30/60 payment dates", you should be dumbest person in this earth (sorry for being a bit harsh).
They are getting money to say all these. They are marketerS. Marketers say and do anything and everything for money and the best part is it's internet and they have no face to show. - April 5, 2009 at 5:51 AM
- Anonymous said...
I was just browsing the forum and on guy have posted this
QUOTE (Hobofobico @ 20 Jan 2009, 06:42 PM) *
it just kill me the cynicism staff shows when it comes to the subject of defending such a crappy administration. i mean, hello! they don't pay for more than a year! and they make the word "soon" to reach incomprehensible levels!!
REPLY FROM SPIDERWOMAN FOR THAT QUOTE : You are insulting the management with that word. I recommend you to not use it again.
HAHAHAHAH I just cant stop laughing reading what SPIDERWOMAN replied, haha I mean is she for real?
ROFL!!!!!! LMAO!!!!
Is she in clear state of mind? - April 5, 2009 at 6:50 AM
- Anonymous said...
What angers me most is that I did opened a thread in November 08 asking them to cancel standard members payment just like Isabelmarco did.
amcamc reply to me : "Bux.to do not scam standard members like other sites do. bux.to pays all its members" and top of that she banned me from forum after a few weeks. So, as per amcamc Isabelmarco was scamming members at that time and bux.to is NOT scamming right now. Correct amcamc? - April 5, 2009 at 3:31 PM
- Anonymous said...
http://www4.bux.to/received948lastnight.php This success story is not written by anyone. This is fake. I've done some research on it and have countless evidence that it is fake. I'll keep you updated on this particular one.
That success story have a link www.PeteSussex.com which re-directs to bux.to itself and the domain name was created just today.
Plus there is one line written in that success story "Many other PTC sites have gone by the wayside, but Bux.to always remains"
Now look at this line on the announcement written by David john whitters are whomever http://www4.bux.to/newsmarch2209.php "Bux.to continues where many of its competitors have gone by the wayside,"
Did you see a similarity in writing style in that success story and the one written by Whiters in the announcement?
Plus no member will write that "I am going to happily wait" for my next payment.
In addition to that, that member haven't posted a success story in the forum nor bux.to have posted the proof of payment.
There are a few more evidences that caught my eyes which I'll not tell you yet. But, I'll keep you udpated - April 5, 2009 at 5:55 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
In regards to the fake success stories, I would like to thank the persons bringing this to our attention.
It looks like bux.to is committing forgery now to keep their scheme going and to make people believe that they are paying.
I have taken screenshots of these fake payouts and success stories. Too many have been popping up over the past few days, for it to be just a coincidence.
Great work everyone!! - April 5, 2009 at 9:19 PM
- Bux.to Sux!! said...
Also I would like to add... that the thread talking about the "fake payment" as been locked.
Bux.to, if you don't have anything to hide then why close a topic for discussion?
It is simple. You have plenty to hide.
Here is the whois for the petSussex
Domain name: petesussex.com
Registrant Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected ()
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 - 732
Westchester, CA 90045
Administrative Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected (67f788f9ab60499597c6519069c8d63c.protect@whoisguard.com)
Fax: +1.6613102107
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 - 732
Westchester, CA 90045
Technical Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected (67f788f9ab60499597c6519069c8d63c.protect@whoisguard.com)
Fax: +1.6613102107
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 - 732
Westchester, CA 90045
Status: Locked
Name Servers:
Creation date: 05 Apr 2009 09:23:29
Expiration date: 05 Apr 2010 09:23:29
Taich says it is way to steal info. Sorry, but the site has bux.to iframed. Meaning everything on it stays on bux.to. ALL links point to bux.to. Click on a link, let it load. Then in the middle of the page, right click and click on open frame in new tab. Then you will see where the info typed on this site goes to. Yup, bux.to.
Only person that would want to iframe bux.to is bux.to. When you let your cursor hover over the links they come up with a bux.to address. Registration and all.
Bux.to can easily create a "break out" iframe option on their site. Meaning if someone was to iframe their page, their website would automatically break out of the iframe and you would be directed to bux.to
Sorry folks, this is all bux.to's doing. This is not a hacker. On top of that the success story can not be found on the forum. Which tells me right away that this is fake. They only want this viewable to non members. They knew that if this was posted on the forum it would be debunked. Hence the closure of the thread.
In the future I would like for everyone to be vigilant, and to take screen shots and upload them on imageShack or any other free hosting service. Feel free to post them here. Because you never know when bux.to will pull the plug on one of their lies, and will try to hide it. I wish I had a screen shot of the other fake success story that was posted a few days ago.
Keep up the work everyone! Together we can bring down these crooks! - April 5, 2009 at 10:21 PM
- Anonymous said...
TAKEN FROM YOUR BLOG ".....Abusive and out right dirty. One will come behind and close the thread and will say something about the member's post. Then another mod will come right behind the other Mod and put her two cents in......."
THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED TODAY AS WELL. LOL http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=0d8f92b42e6729e0411d63345a2b686d&showtopic=52038 - April 6, 2009 at 6:43 AM
- Anonymous said...
Guys I've found some very interesting information.
Look at what AMC had to say in this post ".....I did not live for 58 years to blindly trust an online business,....."
Link is here http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=49411&view=findpost&p=450696
And in another post, this lady says she is only 20 years old. can you believe this?
Link is here http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=51662&view=findpost&p=469150
which one to trust? ok if you claim you have lied in your older post, how can we trust that you didn't lie about bux.to and how can we trust when you said you aren't getting paid from bux.to for what you're doing? May be after some weeks, you'll post you have been paid for what you're doing. - April 6, 2009 at 12:17 PM
- Anonymous said...
Guys, I've found a very interesting information/news about David John Whitters
amc : The person you mention must be someone paid to sign the reports in UK for the dormant company,
( AND LOOK AT THIS POST VERY CAREFULLY )-----------> aMC : I have no idea because first time I've heard of that name was when mentioned here in the forums.
LINK : http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=50661&view=findpost&p=460662
LINK : http://www.neobux.com/forum/?frmid=7&tpcid=38316&msgid=422285#m422285
SO, my question is why one moderator lie that they don't know who David john whitters is and even go to an extend of lying that he have no connection whatesover with bux.to and another mod claim to know him well and even up to an extend of knowing his age?
Very mysterious. - April 10, 2009 at 3:16 PM
- Anonymous said...
Who is the owner of bux.to ? Mods : George is the only owner. lololol
Look at this http://buxbb.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=46281&view=findpost&p=420047 - April 10, 2009 at 3:32 PM
- Anonymous said...
I'm yet to see a single ad by them promoting their advertising packages. I only see them promoting referral packages lol
- April 10, 2009 at 4:42 PM
- Anonymous said...
Surely bux.to have wrote an email to wikipedia and asked them to remove the "scams such as bux.to" part and yes, of course it is removed. But don't worry, I've taken all screenshots of it http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/486/buxscam.jpg
- April 11, 2009 at 1:39 PM