Out with the OLD, in with the NEW...Bux.to Abandons Old Investors
Friday, May 22, 2009I am going to go right ahead and say it. Bux.to no longer pays their older investors. You know the ones who made bux.to, the ones that made what bux.to rise to it's glory before they became a scam?
As each days passes it is clear that bux.to no longer cares that they scammed old original investors. Investors that put thousands upon thousands of dollars into this site. And what does bux.to do? The turn their backs on them. These original investors have been waiting almost 1 year and a half for their payments. Does bux.to pay them? No, instead they start paying new investors within days of their requested payout.
I have a message for new investors. If I was you I would stop now, while you are ahead. You are on the verge of becoming the next set of bux.to scammed victims. And if you are not conviced, make sure you make your requests as fast as you can. Do not wait and accumulate a balance and wait for them to pay you. Because if you do, you will end up like us. A large ballance that bux.to can not afford to pay. There are members that have over $40,000 waiting to be paid to them. And I fear they will NEVER see their money. Here is a list of these members http://bux-paylist.blogspot.com/
Also, bux.to can not seem to afford to pay for their own forum. They have failed to pay their dues to Alt3rn4tiv3 for hosting their pathetic forum. So when you hear bux.to say "please don't use up our bandwidth that we paid for"... don't believe it! They haven't paid for squat! We paid for it. With our premium upgrades, and our purchases of fake referal packages.
Again, new members, don't be fooled. Get out now, and fast. Before you and others start asking what the hell happened??! Remember my words, one day they will come true.
And here are some conflicting stories...
- Anonymous said...
Oh Im the OLD and never saw 1 cent from these bastards.15k+ in my balance and when I asked to be paid I got banned from their forum. all new investors BEWARE of this scame site.
- May 24, 2009 at 1:47 AM