Death Threats & Hate
Wednesday, March 4, 2009Posted by
Bux.to Sux!!
Lately bux.to mods Spiderwoman and AMC have claimed they have received death threats. Let me try to make this as clear as I can. In no way shape or form have I made death threats toward any bux.to staff or moderators. No amount of money in the world is worth taking a human life.
I do not know how these two come up with this stuff, but taking your life or finding out where you live is not my motive. I could care less...you could be sitting with your laptop at the north pole for all I care. It's just not my thing. Plus taking your life is not going to get everyone their money back. Nor is it going to solve the overall problem with PTCs and scamming web sites. The only objective is to expose the lies of bux.to and their staff. PERIOD.
Also, I read that someone seems to think one of my videos had a round about way of making a death threat. Oh Please. Know your super hero characters before you come to such conclusion. First off it is a can of raid, which kills insects and not humans. Also you can see spiderman's arm hanging out of a doorway. If you actually watched the video it shows spiderman and then at the end he kills himself because of the spoof pictures. Lame... I know but that is my sense of humor, and obviously someone shares the same sense of humor because the picture with a can of raid was taken from google image search.
Which now brings me to the implications of "hate". I found another forum board discussing my videos and blog on a religious forum. This person claims that he is a friend of AMC. On this forum he challenges all Muslims to stand up and help him to bring me down, because he says I am hater. He later explains the video with miss piggy wearing a niqab. Now, to an average person I am sure you would be very confused and would think this is about hate. And I am sure AMC is very good at getting people to think this. But most of us know why miss piggy was portrayed in such a manner.
If AMC was offended because an imaginary character of the likes of miss piggy, and because she was wearing a niqab, then she needs to ask herself why would she associate herself with the character in the first place. Now miss piggy cannot wear certain things? We all know AMC was sporting a miss piggy avatar. Then back to back displaying an avatar of a woman wearing a chador. I did not want to show the real and actual people involved in my videos so I used other means. Once again, search google images and you will see. Take AMC and Miss Piggy and combine them and there you have it.
If you think it is because I hate Muslims or Islam, think again. You are barking up the wrong tree. I have a half brother who is in fact a Muslim and was born and raised in Irbid, Jordan. I would be ashamed to think I was a type of person who was making hate videos about Islam and Muslims. Again, just not my thing. And we all know what the videos were about. I can care less if you are Wiccan, a Scientologist, Christian, Muslim and any other creed. It is what it is, a depiction of a woman who likes to twist and turn things around to her benefit.
If I offended the Muslim community than I am truly sorry, for that was not my intent. But I will not apologize to AMC. She knows
the reasoning behind these videos and why they were made. For her to try and incite a mob to take action against me is just as bad as condoning a web site that scams people.
Her and Spiderwoman sit there and play dumb and play games with people who have invested a lot of money into bux.to. They will give you the same dreary story. " we are not paid"... " we have helped so many"... and so on.
Seriously, ask yourselves this. If you were volunteering on web site and you had death threats aimed at you, continuously, would you stick around? If you truly believe that the threat was real, would you defend a company of the likes of bux.to? I question this mentality, because I recollect reading a post from a member who said they have found information about them receiving a Christmas Bonus. If in fact that is genuine, it would explain a lot. I would love to get my hands on that information. And if it was ever confirmed it would look very, very bad for bux.to. Especially when so many members have not been paid, yet they can take time and pay their moderators and other staff members? It explains why Spiderwoman and AMC believe in bux.to so much. When money is involved some people will do the strangest things. Just like death threats.
As I said before I do not endorse these death threats. However, some people have put so much money towards this scam, it could mean life or death for some. Like medical bills, able to put food on the table and so on. I hope no one would invest so much that it would come down to that, but from what I have read in the past, it sure looks like some have. And with this poor global economy that we now have, it sure is not going to get better.
Bux.to needs to be careful from here on forth. The angry mob is starting to circle them, and they have no one else to blame but themselves. Pay your members and honor you side of the deal that was made. Protect your staff and support them by doing what you said you would do. It is only fair for everyone sake.
I would like to thank those who have emailed me and shared their stories with me. Also to those who finally realized that bux.to was a scam, and said there were going to invest until they read my blog and saw my videos. I was glad to hear that I prevented another person from being scammed by bux.to. And for the rest of us, let this be an experience we can learn from and hope we do not make the same mistake twice.

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