Ocean Eleven at Bux.to
Friday, June 5, 2009I feel it is time. Time to reveal those behind the scam. Time to show members and non members who is running bux.to. The owners and staff. Everyone here plays a part in this scam. From the owners who take the money in, to the moderators on bux forum who are encouraging those to buy fake refs. All are guilty of running a scam. Some are the getaway driver. And some are the bank robber. So here are my eleven suspects at bux.to:
1. David John Withers (UK) - Was convicted of VAT fraud and money laundering charges by a jury of his peers in the UK in July of 2002.
Bux.to Staff will claim, he was only signing papers for bux.to and that he no longer works or runs bux.to. Do not believe those lies. This guy is still in play. If you go the bux.to forum will see a staff member by the name of Dave51. Coincidence? I doubt it. Look at the age for David. Then look at the screen shot of the age of when David John Withers was arrested for fraud. He was 46 years old in July of 2002. That would make him.. 52 years old going on 53 years old this month.
Many feel this is the owner of bux.to. When members on the forum stated this, they were banned. If I am not mistaken Rando's first ban was due to revealing David Withers. Of course staff huffed and puffed and said it wasn't true and called us liars and some were even banned for this. I wonder who is lying now? Members? Or a PTC staff member? You decide.
Balance sheet of BUX.TO LTD
Date: 31 July 2008
Cash in bank and in hand: £ 1.00
Authorised share capital: 1000000 ordinary shares of £ 1.00 each
Issued share capital: 1 ordinary shares of £ 1.00
Approved by the board on 03 September 2008
Signed by David John Withers, Director
Number of shares issued: 1
Nominal share value: £ 1.00
1 ordinary share held as at July 31 2008:
Address: 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA 00152
Question I will ask is there another BUX.TO LTD registered in Commonwealth of Dominica? A company can't hold it's own shares. Also there are not 1 M shares, they are authorised not issued. Only 1 share is issued therefore 100% owner of BUX.TO LTD is another company called also BUX.TO LTD but in Dominica address.
1. No audits, bookkeeping documents, other reports needed
2. No tax forwarding contracts with any country, totally protected
3. Information about owners, managers protected - a clerk who gives out such information goes to prison for 2 years and will have a penalty of $25 000
4. There is only one time fee and it requires faxed ID to start a company there
5. There are no taxes to be paid
Strange that bux.to mailing address is in Dominica. When David was convicted of money laundering and controlled a network of companies and bank accounts and property in both the UK and the Cayman Islands. So does a Zebra change it's stripes? I doubt it. And I am sure we are looking at the same thing all over again. Fraud and money laundering, a crook will always be a crook.
May I also remind you that "David" was the one who was asking for the extra verification documents for payments over $1000. One person is doing payments. So why would anyone else be looking at these documents and asking for them?
Here are some screen shots and sources of info about David John Withers of bux.to:


A bux.to Administrator that likes to lead people on and lie to them. Many lies have come from this one. One after another. She has helped the owners in covering up the truth. Whether it is by banning members, or by censoring them on the forum.
She is a staunch supporter of bux.to and helps the owner in committing fraud. She has even went as low to claim that a member was photoshopping evidence. When she and other staff were proven wrong, she made a promise to make the wrong a right. Which she still has not lived up to that promise. See previous posts here for more info:

Now Forum Staff and Forum Admin will go through posts and spam the forum and tell members to buy upgrades and ref packages. These two are the worst of the worst. Practically telling members that they need to try this or buy this. These are the two "drug dealers" of bux.to
See older posts about this staff member here:

This one reminds me of those boy band fans. You know those teenage girls that stand outside of a concert and scream and yell, and talk about how big of a fan they are? Yes, this is bux.to's biggest fan. wouldn't you know it, she has a bux.to fan site.
She will quickly take bux.to over a member. Especially if a member has doubts about bux.to. She once had a blog named "Confessions of a Bux.to moderator". I believe one member brought to her attention that bux.to was limiting the amount you can now cash out, and they showed her a screen shot of this. What does she do? Well, what ever bux.to staff does. The old PHOTOSHOPPED excuse comes in to play here. Everything is photoshopped.
She takes it with a pinch of salt? Just like working for a convicted money launderer. Oh, also she is paid staff member. Like all other bux.to staff that are there. So I guess I should take what she says with a pinch of salt as well.

This guy is the mouth piece of bux.to. LITERALLY. Be prepared if you ask a question or say bux.to is doing something wrong, you will recieve a long drawn out post for his reply. Sometimes with words that don't even belong in the post. Again, another defender of bux.to. At all cost. However in private, and in the bux.to staff room he has shown some doubts. But god forbid if a regular member did this.
With bux.to's forum changes, I am sure his use has pretty much died out. If posts are deleted and not approved, this poor guy can't reply to them. No posts, no rebutal.

Well I know if I refused to pay my electric company they sure the hell wouldn't wait and hope for me to pay it. What would they do? Pull the plug maybe and disconnect it? So something doesn't sound right with this picture. And the guy has lied and sneaked himself into places where he shouldn't be. ON top of that owns other PTC sites, if not more.
See more posts about this member:

According to some, Spider out right flamed Debbie out int the open. And both despise one another. Does this sound like a resonable situation to you? Would you work for someone you can't stand? Would you let someone work for you who uterly despises you? I believe it is all a game. I pretty sure Debbie and George are the same. Fake names to run a scam.

So there you have it. Bux.to and their version of ocean eleven...
- Anonymous said...
Great post! I have no doubt that Spiderwoman's/Miguelina moving story to Switz supporting by another scammer AMC is another lie
of these two thievesBitches ,she still in Germany and she is scared of being found. They are stealing money, of course they need to lie. I know one person who traveled to Germany and hired a private investigator and who has the full name of Spiderwoman. The investigator obtained the information in a single day. So Spiderwoman is probably the person who will be questioned in court. Is expected to spit it sooner. - June 6, 2009 at 9:02 AM
- Anonymous said...
wow this is some post! you rock man! thanks for giving out these scammers real info! yes all of them are scammers and accompliced to this fraud and should be punished and locked up! i do hope the other poster will reveal the info soon about the result of the PI surveillance on spiderwoman. i still think she is the real founder of this whole scam!
- June 6, 2009 at 2:17 PM
- Anonymous said...
Very well explained blog. Neatly written :) Kudos to the writer for stating 100% truth.
If AMC was really not old and if bux is not a scam as she claims to be, why did she even lied about her age at the first place? That explains it all. I mean read between the lines and you'll know what I mean. Everything is carefully planned from the beginning. - July 17, 2009 at 2:03 PM
- Anonymous said...
I m not asking for the payments ! I m asking about the PIONNER that not coperate with bux.to ANYMORE! about the interpol who searching the owner , about the forum close !
Look the questions!
why the FORUM is closed for members ?
Date: 2009-07-05 23:23:16
Name: Alex_support
the forum is not closed
Best regards,
Support I
Bux.to Support
The Most Valuable Package
Date: 2009-07-07 03:53:26
Name: ------
Forum is protected ! I can POST anywhere !
are you FUN with me ?
Date: 2009-07-07 03:55:13
Name: --------
I wait for 1 and a half year for my payment and you joging at me ? why the forum is protected ? none can post!
Date: 2009-07-08 17:46:33
Name: Alex_support
you can write at forum
but all the post must be authorized for mods
Best regards,
Support I
Bux.to Support
The Most Valuable Package
Date: 2009-07-17 19:48:47
Name: ----------
www4.bux.to or www.bux.to is down now ! you banned me from forum and you stolen my money ha ?
Jail is coming to you shortly ?
Date: 2009-07-23 21:29:13
Name: ------------
www.bux.to is DOOOOOOOOWN 5 days now !!!!!!!!
Date: 2009-07-23 21:57:35
Name: Alex_support
www.bux.to is not down
try cleaning internet files, cache and cookies
Best regards,
Support I
Bux.to Support
The Most Valuable Package
Date: 2009-07-27 19:34:21
Name: -----------
I tried from different ISP's , pc the website is down ...are you gonna leave ?
Date: 2009-07-28 04:31:38
Name: Nattymoo
Dear ------,
As a safety precaution we have taken www.bux.to is now the address of all site pages.
As result the url www4.bux.to - www2.bux.to - or any other bux.to url, will no longer give access.
Thank you for your loyal membership. I wish you great earnings with our unique opportunity.
Kind regards,
Date: 2009-07-28 19:30:21
Name: ---------
again ...as I said "nattymoo" we know who you are and we know where are you right now. (from your local police) the site is down from many many ISP's also I m waiting for my payment over 18 months! so leave the auto message and tell me the truth! (I write this ticket from My police office)
This ticket is recording from Internet Crime Invsistigation with coporate from FBI and Interpol.
Date: 2009-07-31 16:47:44
Name: Alex_support
answered already
we don´t have access to payment department
bux is paying all the trusted members
if you don´t break the TOS rules, you will be paid
Best regards,
Support I
Bux.to Support
The Most Valuable Package
Our informative and multilingual pages!
Date: 2009-07-31 17:55:07
Name: -----------
did you see what I Wrote ? - July 31, 2009 at 6:01 AM