Bux.to and Charities
Friday, May 8, 2009Another organization has shown disapproval of bux.to. For us regular members, we all have seen the bux.to charities ad page in our advertisement area. Bux.to continuously reminding us that they give to charities.
Personally, I believe by doing such a deed a person or company should be humble about it. They shouldn't be using it as advertising or a marketing campaign. Especially on a site that is a scam. Charities have a hard enough time to get people to give, especially when it the term scam comes in to play.
So, like all companies that have dealings with bux.to, we contacted them and asked them if they knew about bux.to using their logos and and ads on their site. Well the response is damaging, and here is the reply and screenshot of the email we received from them.
Dear Mr. xxxx,
My name is Hugh Linnehan and I am the Corporate Partnerships Manager for SOS-Kinderdorf International, the umbrella organisation for 132 SOS Children?s Villages associations worldwide.
We received your inquiry and are particularly concerned about Bux.to and its use of our logo. We have no record whatsoever of any relationship between Bux.to and any SOS Children?s Villages association. The SOS banner used in the Charity Contributions section of Bux.to?s website http://www2.bux.to/contact.php is from many years ago, and we would not have given Bux.to this emblem.
* I tried contacting Bux.to on their customer service address (and included your name and the nature of your complaint), but the mail was returned as undeliverable because the mailbox was full. My mail was 5 kb in size.
* I am sure you have already looked at articles/blogs about this company?s reputation, and a Google search found some discouraging reports of fraud and scams. Bux.to is purportedly owned by David John Withers, who has been involved with numerous internet scams in the past.
* Through the ?Submit a new ticket? contact portal http://www.buxtosupport.com/index.php?a=add , we have asked Bux.to to immediately remove our logo and any reference to our organisation from their website and any other medium of communication.
We?ll see if these measures are successful; in the meantime, we understand and empathize with your situation, but have no relationship with Bux.to on any level. I am fairly certain the other charities named will have the same response.
Hugh Linnehan
Again, bux.to caught using another company as a tool to scam others. So what did bux.to staff say, well it is obvious. Everyone is a liar, except for them. Yes, even poor Mr Hugh Linnehan reply does not seem to faze these people . Here are screen shots of bux.to's take on the whole situation.

Wow, so like I said, I guess everyone is a liar except bux.to. And do you see the response from AMC? A forum moderator would know the full name and details of the person who contacted this charity? I know you two are shacking up, but why would a moderator be gaining that info from a private email from a charitable organization? Then on top of that throwing threats around. Just in case you didn't catch what the bully said:
Guess what? This person was paid today! Wow, another person paid after they have gone after bux.to. Anyone see a pattern here? Maxx/Intenze, Chrissy, and now this person.I know full name of who did this in an attempt to defame and spread libel. It is one of Chrissie's group.
One more of such a stunt chirissie and that will be your last on this forum and I can't tell if your bux.to account would not be affected.
Way to go! And we will continue to contact anyone and everyone that bux.to uses as a vessel to scam would be victims. AMC if you think we are committing "Libel or Slander" by contacting these companies, THINK AGAIN my dear. Know what you are talking about before you speak. We have every right to warn and contact those affected. It is our right, and you can not stop us.
A message to everyone, please be sure to report bux.to at ever venue possible. In your own country, on the web, or the companies that bux.to deals with and uses. Here are a few places to report bux.to. I would suggest you make a email/letter and send it to these places. I will continue to add links at the bottom of this entry as links come available.
- Anonymous said...
They just dont get it. all they need to do is pay their members and be upfront and all this might just go away. Yhey seem to stop at nothing to scam their members even using their members good will towards charities.
- May 9, 2009 at 1:58 PM
- Anonymous said...
I can't believe how much free time AMC have.. Anytime of the day, whenever a member post a negative comment, she's right on target. I can't believe how active she is..
She tries very hard to achieve the Administrator position just like spiderwoman has in her badge. - May 10, 2009 at 7:46 AM
- Anonymous said...
Yes the altemate "scam badge" thats what shes after.
- May 11, 2009 at 4:40 AM